This man actually absorbed blood evil spirit! It’s incredible. Although the blood evil spirit has a few strength left, it still belongs to the advanced undead. It has a very strong death mark. Even if it can absorb him with special ability, it will be seized by the blood evil spirit (that is, the body will be seized)

-unless the other party is a dark creature more advanced than blood evil spirit.
Unfortunately, Duanmu Ming’s prediction was once again very accurate. When Duanmu Ming took out the latest prediction card, there were several different expressions on his face. It was strange that a human body appeared on these faces.
"Clown?" Duanmuming’s face is very complicated, like excitement, anger and some confusion. Looking up, Duanmuming, a masked man in the black fog, quickly calmed down.
It may be difficult for someone else to be a real nemesis, but it’s too simple for a clown to want to absorb blood in the underworld war. Alas, blood has just recovered its S-class strength, and it’s a bit outrageous to touch himself continuously.
It is not that the clown’s strength is much higher than that of the blood evil spirit, but that his rank is much higher than that of the blood evil spirit and he is easily absorbed.
The only thing that puzzles Duan Muming is how can a senior general from the clown underworld come to the human world? According to his ability to jump over the tunnel, his strength should be very low. How could he suddenly reach the S level? You know, if a person in the human world is promoted to the A level, all the experts will notice it
Is there any secret?
The black fog suddenly converges. Although a clown dressed in clothes appears, his strength is undoubtedly S-class. After he absorbed the blood and evil spirit, his strength has soared, which has exceeded Duan Muming’s trend.
"Clown, what are you doing here?" Duanmuming looked at the clown frowning slowly and asked
"Haha, I’ll help you eliminate the bloody evil spirit!" The clown grinned with red lips and giggled silly, but Duan Muming knew that he was the most cunning.
"If you can do this kind of good thing, the sun will rise in the west. I prefer to believe that you are here to pick up bargains."
"Blood evil spirit is right. You know there are too many things. Then I will tell you the truth. I’m here to kill you. Hahahaha …" Then the clown burst into crazy laughter. As he laughed around, it was upside down. Duanmu Ming’s back several women even snapped at him and tried to tear him apart.
Is the world crazy? Lvses(;
Chapter 41 Famous Day ()
Hallucinations. It’s all just hallucinations
Clowns are good at illusion. If you can’t resist temptation or pressure to act rashly, you may be entangled in illusion. It is difficult to get rid of it. To deal with this illusion, you need to be determined, but your strength can’t be too far apart. If you want to crack it forcefully, you can also have a good spirit. Duanmu Ming’s spirit is absolutely strong. Close his eyes slightly, and colorful light will immediately appear around him, and then suddenly spread and entangle them. The illusion department will be washed away.
At this time, Duanmu Ming had leisure to pay attention to his women. They really didn’t have anything. Six maids and Sharla Cheung could easily cope with the snow and frost, and their help was no problem.
The problem is that the clown who laughed and attacked them had already taken the opportunity to slip away. He kept saying that he would kill Duan Muming, and that’s probably what he thought, but it’s better to retreat in the face of a group of women who are not inferior to him.
If a woman launches a hurricane, she will definitely surpass a man.
People have disappeared, and Duanmu Ming is naturally not here. Let bj Antong worry about these tragedies.
Several kilometers of Fiona Fang were affected by the arrest of the blood demon. Fortunately, the public security department evacuated as quickly as possible after receiving the news, but hundreds of people were still killed, nearly a thousand people were injured and more than a dozen buildings were destroyed.
It’s still a good thing that there is no central area of the city, otherwise those secluded experts are likely to come out to stop it
Never underestimate the power of government!
After three days of so-called investigation, the official answer is that the underground pipeline burst and leaked gas, and there happened to be a large-scale explosion in case of fire, and the responsible person is investigating.
This is, of course, to shirk the verbal processing. Everyone at the scene set it up when they saw the pit in Fiona Fang, which is 200 meters deep and dozens of meters deep. This must be the so-called power incident, which strongly suppressed the truth, and people dare not leave the air leakage. It is just that some daring reporters sneaked in and wanted to master some first-hand materials, and they were quickly discovered and then naturally became missing persons.
The people are naturally not stupid. The news is that there is no air-tight wall. Various speculations are filled with bj streets and alleys. At that time, people are very worried. Many people feel that the end of the world is coming, and they have fled bj. This has also made bj never lower the world’s first house price and slipped all the way. bj’s population has also dropped for the first time in three years.
There is no need to elaborate on the scapegoats who were quickly found out after the government came out to refute the expert’s talk and analysis.
After this World War I, Duanmu Ming’s name, Dark World and Earth World, was famous. In just a few days, almost all the world’s capable people knew that bj had produced a very young S-class master and defeated the same S-class blood demon, which shocked the world’s power community, but more people were skeptical.
Although China’s ability circle is really expert as a cloud, it’s impossible for a teenager to have S-class strength and be able to eliminate the undead blood evil spirit like Wen! More people regard this news as nothing more than an after-dinner joke.
However, two days later, the World Power Conference has come forward to prove that a teenager named Duanmuming in China bj has indeed reached the S level, and the bloody evil spirit has indeed disappeared from this world and defeated others. It is this teenager named Duanmuming.
The news has been confirmed, and several people feel incredible. What is the level of S? They are also mythical figures in the eyes of their ability. This China teenager has reached the realm of speaking in his teens.
Isn’t it a joke that they have worked hard for so many years?
According to the World Power Congress, the youngest of the three people who successfully advanced to the S-class in the past 200 years did not break through to the S-class until he was 50 years old. This person is Ouyang Yushi’s brother and master blade master.
Blade master reached the S level at the age of 50, which has been called the most talented person in the ability field for 300 years. Now this Duanmu Ming has reached the S level at the age of 15, which can be called a genius once in a thousand years!


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