Royi followed the south distant mountain and his doubts remained until he saw the lawyer.

That’s a middle-aged man with a metal frame. His eyes are white and a little fat. At first glance, he is too well maintained.
"Royi, this is lawyer Liu, your mother’s attorney."
"Hello, lawyer Liu, I’m Royi."
Lawyer Liu smell speech seems to be a surprised look at Royi for a long time and finally say "hello" with a light smile. "Miss Nan, I didn’t expect you to be so big."
In the blink of an eye, twenty years later, I can still be so familiar …
Royi smiled and nodded.
Nan Yuanshan shook hands with Lawyer Liu.
"Lawyer Liu is like this. Royi will be 20 years old in a few days. I want her to know about a will."
When it comes to business, a few people look slightly changed.
Irrelevant people are ordered out. Lawyer Liu has dug up a stack of materials.
"Miss Nan, your mother did make a will in my private name, but she asked to inherit it in person on your birthday, but since you came here today, I can disclose a procedure first."
"Well, we may go abroad in Royi in a few days …"
"Do I know the amount of property?
"Royi, who had been quiet, suddenly interrupted their conversation.
Lawyer Liu pushed his eyes to see Royi and South Mountain for a long time and said with a smile, "Of course."
"The movable property left to you by your mother, Ms. Ling, is 5 million real estate, which will automatically reach your title when you reach the age of 20."
Royi gasped and suddenly smiled.
"Five million, are you sure?"
It’s not that she is too few, it’s them. Is she stupid? !
If there really is 5 million white yarou will miss it? Lang will plot? Nanyuan Mountain will hold on to it! ?
Today, fewer words make up for it. Hey, hey.
"The Dark Emperor Spoils His Wife" was written indifferently all his life.
At first, she didn’t agree with him directly.
Well, the so-called no fight, no acquaintance, but
When we met for the second time, he touched her so naturally. Feed the men. Are we so familiar?
When we met for the third time, the cold-blooded man actually threatened in his ear, "Women stay away from all the male creatures around you or I will kill one when I see one."
Who will tell her what rhythm this is?
So she asked weakly, "Do you count?"
Do you count? Forget it. Are you going to kill yourself? ! You’re not a female? !
As soon as this was said, I felt a strong murderous look on the man’s body.
Do, chapter sixty-three MoXiaoXue provocation.
"After all, it was twenty years ago …" Lawyer Liu added a sentence with some inexplicable expression, and the south distant mountains looked at Royi with a frown.
Faint with the expected outbreak of tension.
"I see."
Royi smiled at the right time.
Two people inexplicably look a loose Royi knew that if you want to get back the property that belongs to her, I’m afraid it won’t be so smooth.
Sure enough, it’s very interesting to talk to Zhongnan Mountain. With Royi’s recent troubles, she wants to let her go abroad to avoid it. She wants her to leave her fingerprints today. The 5 million inheritance will hit her head instantly, and the remaining properties will be temporarily kept by his father until the day she gets married …
Lawyer Liu handed the entrustment of Ling Susu to Royi. "In fact, your mother said that it would be on your twentieth birthday, but she didn’t emphasize the lunar calendar or the solar calendar. Now it is reasonable for Mr. Nan to ask Miss Nan to show her fingerprints before inheriting."
Even if Royi had not studied law, she knew that what Liu’s law firm was unreasonable. What did Nan Yuanshan know? Or are you afraid of what you want to send her away with 5 million?


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