YunHao and YunShu qi qi called a.

The former is surprised and flustered.
The latter is uneasy.
Chapter 116 Unexpected kiss
Mrs. Yun looked stiff for a while.
Reluctantly take a look at Yun Hao’s eyes and rest on Yun Shu’s body and grind his teeth. "What are you doing?"
"Mom …" Yun Shu sipped his lips and explained.
Mrs. Cloud gave her a hard look with a cold face. "Don’t call me mom, I’m not your mom! Our cloud family raised you for so many years. Did you seduce my son in the end? It’ s really shameless! "
"Not like this!" YunShu look a change.
Cloud lady cold hum a didn’t speak.
Yunhao’s thin lips got up and walked past, pushing her out of the door and saying, "I didn’t come to find her with Xiaoshu."
"Ah" cloud lady in situ don’t walk sneer at "are you looking for her? What are two people doing with the door locked? ! You have to be shameless! It’s ok to play outside at ordinary times, but your home is also a place where you mess around. Fortunately, I heard it. If your father can’t break your leg! "
"I know, I know," YunHao whispered, "I’ll walk you back to your room."
"It is possessed …"
Mrs. Yun’s low curse gradually faded away and disappeared.
Yunshu was sitting up and watching the door left unlocked and bit her lip tightly.
This family really can’t stay.
Parenting is greater than heaven.
What should she do?
After sitting for a long time, Yun Shu went to the door and went to bed again with a heavy heart.
Forced to fall asleep
Blink of an eye to the weekend.
Three o’clock in the afternoon
Yunshu went to the hospital to see Jiang Jiang with a fruit basket.
Just walked outside the ward, I heard a ginger chuckle inside.
"Oh, it itches!"
It’s getting warmer and warmer. Jiang Jiang is lying in bed wearing a sick patient and receiving a massage from Yan Shaoqing. He is still a little uncomfortable. His hands and feet are numb and he can’t help but shout it out.
Yan Shaoqing pinched her calf and saw her move around and raised her hand and took a "don’t move" in her calf.
"Feeling numb" Jiang Jiang curled his mouth and muttered.
"It’s right to be numb," Yan Shaoqing urged, looking up at her. "Can’t you always lie down and keep a certain amount of rehabilitation exercise every day?"
"Well," Jiang Jiang nodded obediently. "Got it."
Aunt Yan Shaoqing said, "Just like I just did, you try."
"Good" nurse aunt nodded instead of him.
Yan Shaoqing relaxed and took a look at it and stepped up to wash his hands.
When I came back, I saw Yunshu.
"Good doctor Yan" asked Yun Shu with a smile.
"Well," Yan Shaoqing had a bad impression on Yun’s family now and nodded lightly. "You accompany her to say that I will go to the office."


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