His high tone seems to be able to manipulate Su Linlang’s life and death.

DuGuYe stunned with a twist click Chen Ping dislocated his arm and screamed on the spot. "You …"
He wanted to swear, but he didn’t dare to offend Jin Wangfu.
Although the father of the king of Jin was in prison, everyone knew that it was the emperor’s whim and he would let them out soon.
Duguye’s abandonment of cutting is very exaggerated, and it is called "No, Linlang, the Duke of Chen’s brain is broken."
He exaggerated his body movements and amused Su Linlang with a captivating smile. "It’s not the first day. Why are you making such a fuss and being laughed at and ignorant?"
Duguye was very educated and nodded. "Well, it’s good that he often breaks his habits."
The tacit understanding of the two men teamed up to run on Chen Ping and didn’t put him in the eye.
Chen Ping’s face flushed with a run, and the whole person was angry. "Su Linlang, are you upset with me?"
"On the contrary, you can’t pass me." Full of beautiful things look pale and look at him like looking at a stranger without any feelings.
When Chen Ping suddenly knelt down, he knelt in front of the beautiful things.
Chapter three hundred Coaxed to play!
Update the latest chapter of the evil king’s favorite imperial doctor’s concubine!
What the hell is the sudden change that makes three people dumbfounded?
Sue full of beautiful things is forced to gawk at gray-faced Chen Pingnao has an idea that he is crazy!
Chen Ping’s attitude has changed to a degree, and he sincerely said, "I know it’s my fault that I didn’t take good care of you and love you, but I don’t want to blame nature for all this."
He has changed so much that he seems to forget that he just yelled at beautiful things.
Full of beautiful mouth twitching, this is too good at acting. "Nature makes people? Isn’t it your greed and ambition? "
I’ve abandoned my wife and daughter to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix. Now, what are you talking about?
Treat her like a fool?
Her heart is like a mirror. He is both hard and soft, crying and laughing, trying to hold her in his hand and be at her mercy.
She is his biggest bargaining chip.
Chen Ping secretly gritted his teeth but forced a smile. "You can say anything if you are willing to recognize me as a father. I can bear all kinds of beautiful things. In my heart, you and Wan Yi are my baby daughter and my most important person."
He said that his eyes were red with tears and he was very affectionate.
He said a lot of nice things and looked at all the beautiful things, hoping to impress her.
Su Linlang looked at him condescendingly and his eyes were cool. "Continue to listen to me."
"…" What’s this? Can’t you answer the questions after you finish?
Chen Ping stayed for a while and reacted quickly.
"Come back, full of beautiful things. Now I have a daughter like you. You are the only blood of the Chen family. Everything is you."
He lobbies for interests, and there is no such thing as greed.
No matter what he expected, Su Linlang’s face seemed to move. "It’s all me? Where is Chen Lian? Are you going to kill him? Ok, I’ll wait first. "
"…" Chen Ping stupefied head a piece of white.
Why did you kill Chen Lian?
Aren’t you trying to appease her? She’s too jumpy for him to follow.
Chen Ping prevaricated, "It’s not good to kill people …"
How could he kill Chen Lian? That’s a golden egg that can bring him benefits and glory.
He can try his best to elaborate, hoping to fool him.
But he forgot how fine Su Linlang was or deliberately ignored it.
Full of beautiful things smiling stand hand don’t have much koo "that how to do? I can’t believe you. After all, you don’t believe it very well. "
"I …" Chen Ping’s face turned blue and white, and he couldn’t say that he struggled for a long time and spit out a sentence, "You can transfer all your possessions to your name."
Full of beautiful eyes, I readily accepted, "Well, first you transfer all the property to my name, and then the Duke of Chen. I remember that the Chen family has more than a dozen houses and thousands of shops in the flat fields, and there are hundreds in the suburbs of Beijing alone …"
She reported a long list of industries, which she swept in Mrs. Chen’s house in the past.
The Chen family is poor and has no industry, but there are a lot of industries in the dark.
Chen Ping stared at her in shock. "How do you know so clearly? Have you investigated? Do you want to? "
He tried to fool her with the flour industry, but she didn’t know everything.
Full of strange looking at him "what are you nervous about? Don’t you want to give it to me? "
Chen Ping’s brain turned fast and tried to resolve the situation. "You … those are …"
Full of smiles, "I know it’s the dark side. I won’t open it."
Chen Ping can’t help but want to throw something. That’s not what he meant.
See his face is not good-looking, Duguye’s mouth is hooked. "The duke Chen didn’t expect that you really have a daughter’s heart. I was wrong about you. You are thinking about that bastard. Tell you what, I will persuade her to make up with you and reunite with you."
How can Chen Ping leave the industry to Su Linlang? He denies this daughter and doesn’t want to leave her a dime.
But the emperor confessed to have to finish it.
He focused and suddenly a flash of light flashed through his mind. "It’s not urgent now. How can I save the beautiful things when it’s urgent? I don’t want my baby daughter in such a gloomy place."
He has a loving face like the kindest father who loves his daughter dearly.
Bite by bite, my baby daughter screamed full of beautiful things and got goose bumps all over.
In order to achieve the goal, it is also quite hard
Duguye is also disgusting. Can this person have a bottom line?
Is it interesting to cajole beautiful things?


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