"Why haven’t you woken up yet?"

"Well, I just woke up early enough, and my heart went up."
"What?" Li Yong said Xiao Wei was a little embarrassed. "Didn’t you say nine o’clock? It’s not coming soon."
"Ha ha" Li Yong smirked "Wei I’m really tired for you"
After Li Yong finished washing, Xiao Wei helped him to tidy up the house together. Anyway, female students are coming, at least pay attention to some noodles.
Chapter 47, Red Block Yan
I heard knocking at the door at nine o’clock sharp.
Wu Yan is coming
Li Yong called Wu Yan and said a few words. He went to the kitchen to eat without breakfast, leaving Wu Yan and Xiao Wei in the room.
Xiao Wei looked at Wu Yan without saying anything.
"What? Is my sister doing something wrong? " Wu Yan to directly ask Xiao Wei.
"No, no, I feel a little inappropriate." Xiao Wei himself felt a little pale in distinguishing.
"What’s wrong? Do you think this is inappropriate for me or that is inappropriate for you? " Wu Yan’s question is quite sharp
Xiao Wei felt a little caught off guard and couldn’t answer vaguely, "It’s all inappropriate."
I didn’t expect Wu Yan to say so simply, "I don’t have anything inappropriate. I have a boyfriend, but it doesn’t affect my relationship with you. Besides, I didn’t say I must marry him."
Xiao Wei feels that he doesn’t know what to say, and he doesn’t want to marry someone.
Xiao Weiyan kept silent about Hao.
Wu Yan saw Xiao Wei’s silence and then said, "You know I like being with you very much. It’s either a feeling of being very safe or very relieved. Then I think you are the same. Did you hear something?"
This reminds Xiao Wei of that scene, which is even more unspeakable. But it is really too uncomfortable to suppress it in my heart. Xiao Wei can’t help but blurt out, "Are you seeing someone?"
"Oh," Wu Yan didn’t expect Xiao Wei to suddenly ask this question, but then he recovered his composure and said, "The family introduced a person who met several times and said that he was not an object."
It’s not a taste to watch Wu Yan slip through Xiao Wei’s heart lightly. It’s like telling everything directly, but what can Xiao Wei do if he knows it clearly? It’s just an increase in trouble
"Did you hear that I have an object and you don’t want to associate with me? Isn’t it? I don’t know about you, you little mind? Is this the reason? " Wu Yan smiled and stared at Xiao Wei’s body. A refreshing fragrance came to my face.
There is no way out. Xiao Wei doesn’t want to admit that he is jealous of Wu Yan’s being with others and says, "Is it because of me that I don’t want this?"
"Don’t want what?" Wu Yan is a little adamant4.
Wu Yan suddenly leans over and faces Xiao Wei’s delicate and beautiful face, which is really different from others.
Wu Yan’s face is so close to Xiao Wei that Wu Yan’s bangs are already rubbing Xiao Wei’s nose gently.
Xiao Wei is a little overwhelmed.
Listen to Wu Yan whispered in Xiao Wei’s ear, "How did the little thing treat you well before forgetting her sister? How can she forget her sister now that other girls are well?" Then when you hug me, are you thinking about other girls? "
Xiao Wei’s heart was pounding and sweating at this time, and he was a little flustered.
At the beginning, such embarrassing things were hit home by Wu Yan.
Now Xiao Wei feels like a penetrating person in front of Wu Yan, who has been hiding at a glance.
Xiao Wei wants to escape, but his body is stiff and he can’t move.
At ordinary times, Xiao Gong, who is not surprised and wise, is a child who knows what to do in front of Wu Yan.
Just then I suddenly heard Li Yong talking outside. "Why are you here?"
Xiao Wei suddenly felt that he knew it was Lin Guohong.
Wu Yan didn’t ask again when she heard someone coming, but sat aside from Xiao Weila.
Take this opportunity to Xiao Wei hurriedly walked out of the room and came to the yard to see Lin Guohong in the yard. Li Yongzheng helped her to push her bike into the yard.
Xiao Wei and Lin Guohong went into the house together. Wu Yan was a little surprised to see Lin Guohong, but immediately returned to normal and said faintly, "Is Guo Hong such a coincidence?"
"Wu Yan, you are there. I asked Li Yong to borrow the review materials." Lin Guohong reacted quickly, but Xiao Wei felt that the excuse was far-fetched.
Who knows what a coincidence it is?
Wu Yan didn’t say anything. Li Yong hurriedly called everyone into the house to sit down.
When Lin Guohong came to Wu Yan, there was no way to continue the topic just now. Everyone talked about the past and asked each other about the recent situation. The atmosphere was quite good.
Stay for a while Wu Yan see Lin Guohong didn’t mean to go, so the interface got up and left.
Li Yong said that he would send Wu Yan Xiao Wei, and hurriedly said that he took a look at Lin Guohong when he got up, so Lin Guohong followed him out.
Wu Yan pushed her bike out of Li Yong’s house and waved at Xiao Wei and Lin Guohong. "Go home. It’s cold. I’m leaving."
Just then Xiao Wei felt that it was necessary to make it clear now and said, "Sister Yan is really not your reason, but mine."
Say that finish stretched out his hand and took Lin Guohong shoulder.
Xiao Wei felt that Lin Guohong’s body shook and turned around to look at Xiao Wei’s eyes full of doubts.
Xiao Wei no longer hesitated and made a little effort to pull Lin Guohong’s shoulder to his side and didn’t move again.
Then Xiao Wei waved and smiled and said goodbye to Wu Yan. Lin Guohong also waved very well.
Wu Yan looked at all these seats and stood there for a few seconds. Maybe he felt that he might be a little rude, so he smiled and said, "Go home and hope you will be good."
Xiao Wei could see that Wu Yan smiled very reluctantly. In fact, his heart was also awkward.
Wu * *’ s bike is gone.
Xiao Wei noticed that Wu Yan’s last speech was "you"
Looking at Wu Yan figure disappeared Xiao Weicai and Lin Guohong turned to enter Li Yong’s house. Xiao Weicai put his hand down consciously.
Then Xiao Weicai noticed that Lin Guo’s cheeks were flushed and he didn’t say a word.
After all, it’s one thing to be alone, but it’s another thing in front of others. Lin Guohong’s mind is still very simple.


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