He did show a remorse, which was enough for the onlookers.

With so many things happening every day, this matter is gradually less discussed by so many people.
If someone really remembers that although there are different opinions, they will not be as one-sided as before.
Someone will hold on to it, and occasionally someone will come out to refute it
"What do you want when the waves turn back?"
"Zheng Yi himself didn’t know about this matter, and he didn’t remember anything after being drunk. Speaking of it, he himself was wronged."
"He wronged that Bilian, and he didn’t know it would be like this. Who is wrong in the end?"
Someone hit the nail on the head. "No matter who is right or wrong, it’s not that his ex-girlfriend is inexplicably like this. What did people do wrong? If it wasn’t for some brother and sister, it was so close to an accident?"
"At the end of the day, who is the king with whom to match mung beans … what a suck!"
No matter if Zheng Yi is accused less.
He has been suffering these days.
Just go in and out with Bilian, go to the library, eat in the cafeteria, study by yourself and send her back to the dormitory.
Qi Ji is silent and pretends to be a couple.
When he walked to the cloister of the teaching building, he thought of the former Lengqiao smiling brightly, waiting for her to pass by the small lake. He thought of the former Lengqiao giving him a birthday night and walking through the forest. Seeing that he was gradually moving away from the leaves, he thought of the former Lengqiao knitting a scarf for him, especially passing by the multimedia building. He thought that the former ones actually felt cold and handsome, and he didn’t feel angry with himself that day. He felt particularly bad in his heart.
I can’t help looking for Lengqiao anymore.
Zheng Yixin thinks that there is no way out. The future is cold and pretty, so I can understand myself. After that, I will be good to her. I really missed it before.
Without comparison, there is no harm. Even if Bilian is acting half-truths these days, he feels completely at a loss.
Only then did he realize that it was so hard to accept the loss of coldness.
The two schools are not far apart, but they also have to take the bus.
The only bus is crowded, smelly and slow … Why haven’t I experienced it before? I don’t know what Leng Qiao’s going back and forth so many times is really thinking.
After a long time, Zheng Yi finally met Lengqiao.
"Qiaoer, I’m coming-"Zheng Yi had a deep face.
He once imagined the scene of two people meeting. Leaves were falling on the campus, and there was a sad melody playing on the radio. He came over with a smile and looked up. He happened to be there and smiled at each other. It didn’t matter what happened at this moment.
However, reality is always cruel
Cold Qiao eyes wide stare at him like hell.
"hey! What brings you here? I haven’t seen Zun yet. Isn’t your mother still in our unit? Didn’t your girlfriend write an anonymous letter to sue me? It didn’t work. It’s your turn? Swearing? It is estimated that it is not my opponent fighting? " Cold words are sharp, eyes are contemptuous.
She has never been a swallow.
She didn’t feel the slightest guilt when two people parted in this way. There were some things that she didn’t care about when she was blind, but then these things really turned her off.
Qi Xiaonan has been worried about his own affairs for so long, and May and chubby are also worried, and they are confused and wandering. Fortunately, they finally came out.
Looking at Zheng Yi, she has disdain.
I didn’t expect his mother and girlfriend to have such a small move, but they were more like buffoons when they made such a scene.
Zheng Yi was startled. "How did this happen? I never let them do this."
Cold Qiao without saying a word holding YouRan in situ.
"Qiaoer, let’s make up. I’ve been thinking a lot these days. Where can I let go of my feelings for so many years? Don’t lose your temper and let it go with you, okay?" Zheng Yiwang cold qiao eyes cried out and completely changed.
Lengqiao suddenly felt ridiculous. Before, he was always plain. Occasionally, she wished he could be considerate and affectionate. Now she feels sick when she looks at it.
"ha! There is nothing wrong with my ears! Are I sick or are you sick? You … You want to come over and make up with me when I don’t pay attention to getting someone pregnant and having an abortion, and you still don’t admit it? Does your fiancee know? " Lengqiao smiling way
Does she feel that she has misunderstood Zheng Yi before?
Zheng Yi shook his head painfully and didn’t shed tears. "Qiaoer, don’t …"
"Don’t call me Qiaoer, you are not qualified!" Lengqiao interrupted him.
"It’s a long story that you are what you say. It’s not what you think." Zheng Yi defended.
He is cold and impatient, so he wants to make a long story short.
I didn’t expect Lengqiao to be motionless there, and there was even a smile saying, "How long is it?"
Zheng Yi slowly told these things again, but he didn’t embellish them or say that he was a victim.
"You see, I didn’t know anything and somehow became like this. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t have come this far."
Lengqiao sneered. "Well, what are you going to do?"
How do you want to be cold and pretty? I feel that this matter has nothing to do with myself
After all, she has made it clear to them and never wants to meet again. No matter how this happened, it was true that she was pregnant in the past, and now it is true that she is a couple. In the end, Zheng Yi is still looking for herself. What does this mean? Lengqiao felt that he didn’t understand very well and simply asked him out.
Zheng Yi stared at Leng Qiao and said, "Qiao Er, aren’t you white? I love you! She and I just take part in accidental amusement, and there is no way to wait for graduation in a few months. Let’s start from scratch. "
"In recent months, the wind is too tight to wronged you. I will make it up to you after you rest assured. You are also in my heart! No one can take the place of "poor Zheng Yi knelt down and swore.
Leng Qiao was bitten by a dog, and his ceiling was very thick. At this time, he smashed it without thinking. "You want to be beautiful! If you have some blood to admit that you just like that girl, I can still look up to you! Don’t appear in front of me or I’ll beat you to death! "
Chapter 432 Bad octopus
After playing Zheng Yi, I still didn’t finish the cold and gloomy gas.
Zheng Yi still wants to entangle.
After all, Lengqiao is a celebrity in their school, but this boy has never seen it.
At that time, someone went over and asked what happened.
Lengqiao said it was a malicious stalker. Zheng Yi also wanted to explain that Lengqiao threatened her eyes and fled quickly.
There is a cold voice behind him. "If this person comes to see me once, call me once!"
Other students regard this as pestering cold and handsome people, so they don’t take it seriously.
In the mind secretly tongue-tied, this little look at where there is no momentum. It’s a shame to dare to come to school before the opponent is estimated to have been beaten less …
Things are not as good as Zheng Yi’s imagination. After the completion, he came to Lengqiao several times, but he didn’t wait until she had a good time before he got up the courage to find a classmate in the dormitory area and was immediately besieged.
Scared that he never dared to appear in Lengqiao School again.
Lengqiao is now working normally.
Almost like Qina, the chances of going back to school are not great. Ji will come back only after graduation thesis, and the rest of the time he is either working or living outside.


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