Jojo listened quietly and changed clothes without saying a word.
She changed quickly, and Lan Qing and Dally had something to say.
Jojo when can’t see the last LanQingHe to suppress the "county Lord that … can you give me a quota? My family also has money. "
Jojo was shocked. How much do you want to enter the palace?
"… you want to spend money to buy places?"
Lan Qinghe’s face was red and embarrassed, but he refused to change to "yes"
Jojo’s mind flashed several thoughts "up to one million and two hundred"
A price, hahaha
LanQingHe dumbfounded face changed a few changes "eh? Is it too expensive? I … "
God, this is too expensive. Father will kill her.
Jojo smiled. "Even if I have no money, I don’t really want to take this kind of money."
She really doesn’t want them to enter the palace. If a good girl enters the palace, she will be dyed black and intrigued by the generation.
Lan Qinghe couldn’t help being anxious. "No, no, I’ll find a way to raise money."
Jojo shook his head slightly. What are these people thinking? But she advised no.
People still want to block her Qingyun road.
"Cash on delivery"
Lan Qinghe agreed, "I will go back to raise money and then go to the government."
It’s a big deal to move the clan. When she enters the palace, she will be exposed to her light. Are you afraid that there will be no money?
Naturally, someone will send the money to the front and beg them to accept it!
Jojo nodded slightly.
LanQingHe heart a stone fall to the ground secretly breathed a sigh of relief "all things you money to solve? This is too utilitarian. "
Jojo doesn’t feel ashamed. "It’s nothing if I can solve it with money. I am utilitarian. Money is a good thing. At least I can see who is most sincere, right?"
What theory is this? Lan Qinghe was a little forced "eh?"
Jojo explained with a smile, "There is a saying that men who are willing to spend money may not really love you, but men who refuse to spend money must not love you."
Lan Qinghe seems to have some truth in listening to dizziness.
She needs to wake up at one o’clock and go first.
Jojo watched her figure disappear in front of her eyes and looked back at a towering tree. "Who is it? Come out. "
A handsome man turned out from behind the big tree. It was Oriental Zetian. "What are you fooling people about me again?"
Yun Qiaoqiao left his mouth. "Emperor, you hide in the dark and peek. If you don’t jump out, just say acquiescence."
She casually handed the twelve thousand silver tickets to Dongfang Zetian, and it was natural to pick up the state treasury.
He took the money, and this momentum became weak. "What comes to your mouth becomes your truth. You are good at pestering kung fu."
Chapter 174 Injustice pawn
Yun Qiaoqiao rolled his eyes. "Don’t say that. You won’t leave me a penny if the money can’t reach my pocket."
"Hum, isn’t that right?" Oriental Zetian naturally asked that it was his prostitution money!
"Hum" YunQiaoQiao even hum two.
Looking at her naivety, Oriental Zetian couldn’t help but touch her head. "Stop that now."
Jojo didn’t want to make my mind flash across an idea that "by the way, Yun Xianhui may not know about the treasure map."
Oriental Zetian smiled calmly. "It doesn’t matter whether she knows it or not. The important thing is that everyone has heard it."
Jojo was silent. The pit was dug deep enough. "You are the old fox in one thousand. Have pity on me. It’s just a good injustice to be hated and gnashed when you are a pawn."
Oriental Zetian is cool and spits out the word "island"
Jojo immediately turned into a smiling face to please. "It’s my pleasure to ask the emperor for orders if I can handle affairs without injustice."
Oriental Zetian was amused. This girl has practiced the stunt of changing her face. "Come on, don’t play games and go home."
Jojo took two steps and suddenly turned around. "Do you know?"
It’s mindless. I know "no counting"
Wait a minute. Yun Xianhui’s reaction may be unexpected.
Jojo with a pair of curious eyes clear "such as willing to hook? Emperor, this is your lifelong event, so it’s not good. "
One million places, if there are ten places, it’s 10 million. Damn it, it’s so easy to earn.
But it’s not fair to girls!
Oriental Zetian gave her a grumpy look. What do you care if she is willing to hit one? "Women are more than one and less than one."
When you enter the palace, you don’t have to ask for them when you eat and drink them.
Yun Qiaoqiao is not ashamed to lightly scold a "love rat"
Oriental ze day coldly swept over "what did you say? Bigger "
On hearing this threat, Yun Qiaoqiao immediately smiled, "It’s good to be a good emperor."
Daughters watched the entrance and waited for half a day. When Yunqiaoqiao appeared, she was very disappointed.
Where is the emperor? Where did he go?
I didn’t expect Jojo to announce with a smile, "Your Majesty, please go and enjoy the flowers. Come on!"
Everyone was pleasantly surprised and thanked "Thank you, County Master"
The maid led the way and took this group of darling daughter to enjoy the flowers.
Jojo rolled her eyes round and round with her hair.
A cold voice sounded behind him, "Yun Qiaoqiao, shame on you."
Jojo didn’t look back "shame?"
Yun Xianhui stared at her back and wanted to stab her with a sword, but she dared not and could not.
"I’m ashamed of you for pleasing the emperor with these women in exchange for letters. You don’t deserve to be named Yun."
She is jealous and crazy, as if she had eaten an altar of old vinegar.
Two people together out of the garden into the main courtyard to change clothes all the way LanQingHe are extremely flattering jojo kiss up to, but nothing like before.
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一、背景介绍 天津作为我国北方的重要港口城市,历史悠久,文化底蕴丰富。在天津,品茗赏艺是一种传统的休闲方式。以下为您推荐一些天津实惠的茶馆,让您在享受茶香的同时,也能感受到天津的地方特色。 二、推荐茶馆 1. 天津哏都青年相声茶馆 地址:哏都青年相声剧场 简介:哏都青年相声茶馆不仅提供相声表演,还设有茶室,环境舒适,价格实惠。在这里,您可以一边品茶一边欣赏精彩的相声表演。 2. 南门外茶馆 地址:和平区南门外大街 简介:南门外茶馆是天津的老字号茶馆,历史悠久,环境典雅,提供各种茶类及小吃,价格亲民。 3. 侯家后茶馆 地址:南开区侯家后大街 简介:侯家后茶馆是天津的传统茶馆,以提供各种地道的地方小吃和茶饮而闻名。茶馆内环境古朴,价格合理。 4. 红旗茶馆 地址:和平区鞍山西道 简介:红旗茶馆是一家具有浓厚天津特色的茶馆,以提供传统茶饮和特色小吃为主,价格实惠。 5. 大福来茶馆 地址:和平区南京路 简介:大福来茶馆是一家集茶艺、餐饮、休闲于一体的茶馆,提供各种茶类和特色小吃,价格亲民。 三、温馨提示 1. 提前了解茶馆的营业时间和座位情况,以免错过心仪的茶馆。 2. 茶馆内消费较为亲民,但部分茶馆可能提供小吃、茶点等额外消费,请根据个人需求选择。 3. 天津的茶馆文化丰富,建议在品茶的同时,欣赏天津的传统曲艺表演,感受天津的文化氛围。 四、结语 在天津,寻一处实惠的茶馆,品一杯香茗,听一曲相声,感受这座城市的韵味,无疑是一种美好的休闲方式。希望这份指南能为您在天津的茶馆之旅提供帮助。
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