Xiaoyao Xian sighed, "Friend, since you are not from the Eastern Dynasty, is this bitter?"
The meaning is very obvious. You should be able to see that the seven of us are not ordinary players. It is difficult for you to resist. If you make way, we will not disturb the people.
This is the time when the standard operatives have to act as a last resort, and no one wants to fight and rock the boat!
The female swordsman is still laughing and smiling meaningfully. "In fact, this should be for me to say that you are suffering? A suit of equipment and grade let me an outsider to burst, the loss will be very painful. "
Xiaoyao Xian couldn’t help but gasp. The female swordsman’s tone is really arrogant. "My friend, you are very confident, little sister, so I’ll ask for some advice!"
The female swordsman is a bit of an ancient female swordsman and smiles "please!"
) maybe you don’t feel very fluent in reading some paragraphs. In fact, this is not my problem. Many words can’t, including very common words. Please understand! ) to be continued
Chapter four hundred and forty Golden Eagle Excalibur
The night is boundless and quiet, leaving the river gurgling.
Xiaoyao Xianquan has already jumped up after taking a deep breath in his hand, and it bounced like a shell at the female swordsman.
Half-way fingers bend into claws, but the strength of claws has already lifted the sand, and the eye will know that this is quite accomplished claw work.
However, the level 7 master base is no longer limited to any fixed skills, and all the random shots are accompanied by the base work, which means that everyone is fighting for the bottom.
It’s hard for a person to deal with this claw, not to say that you can’t hide, but that once you hide from the fighter, the strokes will stick to you tightly and force you to breathe.
The female swordsmen didn’t hide her claws when she caught it. Her left hand stretched out a "pa" block in Xiaoyao Xian’s wrist. The original strong and sharp blow was actually solved by such an understatement.
Xiaoyao Fairy was surprised by his left paw and caught it again, and was caught by his left palm.
Xiaoyao Fairy’s figure has not yet landed at this time, and his paws are forced to adopt the "double peaks and ears" sharp tricks to attack each other’s temples, and his paws present strength that can be seen by the naked eye.
The female swordsman is even more unexpected. The left palm is no longer blocked, but directly pushes her paws air billow with one palm.
"Bang" is not loud, but experienced people can judge that its strength is terrible by listening to it.
Xiaoyao Fairy glided backwards for more than ten meters after landing.
Everyone was surprised. I didn’t expect this female swordsman to be a super master.
A swordsman can’t even hold his sword, so he forced a fighter back. This is amazing strength.
Xiaoyao Fairy knew that if she stormed again, it would be bring disgrace to oneself. She handed her hand and said, "It’s a real shame, little sister Pei Ji hasn’t asked big sister Gao’s name yet."
The female swordsman smiled faintly. "Go home. In fact, I am very easy to talk to. I will complain with you. If you are willing to go back, you can say anything."
The strong people’s mentality will eventually be different from that of ordinary players, which made the seven experts present immediately feel that their faces would be hanged. The meaning of female swordsmen is very obvious-your identity and status are not worthy of knowing my name.
I’m a peerless dark magician, and I haven’t consulted my lady’s name and guild!
He has a poisonous eye, and he can see that such a powerful player is not a wild road player. It is impossible without guild affiliation. He has to sign up for his name to oppress people with guild titles.
The peerless Tianjiao is really famous, but have you won the Golden Eagle Club again?
Female swordsmen revealed a thoughtful expression "oh? I seem to have heard of this name. You seem to be the one who fights happily, right? How can you bully the weak everywhere with a wan ku? "
It seems that it’s not good to have a good name, but this makes the dark sorcerer’s face hang up. The elite fighters of the old family and the arrogant elite become followers in your mouth? It’s really unbearable!
“!” The dark warlock gave the order
This time, three assassins of Tiankang Group shot at the same time, and two assassins swept the other assassin at the same time to make a flash.
It is impossible for three level 7 assassins to fight at the same time without a lance.
Many people are afraid of the skills of "Flash", but when the first assassin flashed to the female swordsman, the female swordsman held a flying swallow sword in his hand and threw it into the sky.
"Ding" a crunchy a pair of horns knife to sell.
The female swordsman laughed. "That’s because you are here and want to do something. I have to say it!"
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一、背景介绍 天津作为我国北方的重要港口城市,历史悠久,文化底蕴丰富。在天津,品茗赏艺是一种传统的休闲方式。以下为您推荐一些天津实惠的茶馆,让您在享受茶香的同时,也能感受到天津的地方特色。 二、推荐茶馆 1. 天津哏都青年相声茶馆 地址:哏都青年相声剧场 简介:哏都青年相声茶馆不仅提供相声表演,还设有茶室,环境舒适,价格实惠。在这里,您可以一边品茶一边欣赏精彩的相声表演。 2. 南门外茶馆 地址:和平区南门外大街 简介:南门外茶馆是天津的老字号茶馆,历史悠久,环境典雅,提供各种茶类及小吃,价格亲民。 3. 侯家后茶馆 地址:南开区侯家后大街 简介:侯家后茶馆是天津的传统茶馆,以提供各种地道的地方小吃和茶饮而闻名。茶馆内环境古朴,价格合理。 4. 红旗茶馆 地址:和平区鞍山西道 简介:红旗茶馆是一家具有浓厚天津特色的茶馆,以提供传统茶饮和特色小吃为主,价格实惠。 5. 大福来茶馆 地址:和平区南京路 简介:大福来茶馆是一家集茶艺、餐饮、休闲于一体的茶馆,提供各种茶类和特色小吃,价格亲民。 三、温馨提示 1. 提前了解茶馆的营业时间和座位情况,以免错过心仪的茶馆。 2. 茶馆内消费较为亲民,但部分茶馆可能提供小吃、茶点等额外消费,请根据个人需求选择。 3. 天津的茶馆文化丰富,建议在品茶的同时,欣赏天津的传统曲艺表演,感受天津的文化氛围。 四、结语 在天津,寻一处实惠的茶馆,品一杯香茗,听一曲相声,感受这座城市的韵味,无疑是一种美好的休闲方式。希望这份指南能为您在天津的茶馆之旅提供帮助。
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