It is meaningless for him to trace back to the source of this war because they are about to win the whirlwind, and he can’t change the final outcome

"We want to build a new country here."
Soul-eating is full of enthusiasm. Like most people, he has a dream of getting ahead, but the major guilds have bound their dreams and made them tools for collecting money. When this bondage is broken, his first thought is to start a world that belongs to him on this historical stage.
The lone wolf’s eyes twitched after hearing this sentence, and there was some conation. Who doesn’t want to get ahead and who doesn’t want to get the attention of others? But if you want to get ahead, he also wants to get ahead, so in the end, winners and losers will continue to kill each other. There will be no end to this road.
And the real end point may be the portrayal of seeking defeat alone.
The lone wolf didn’t answer the soul-eater, and he couldn’t find a reason to refute the other side. At this time, the players continued to pull out. When they entered the Zulong Green Tree, they saw an elite monster at first sight.
Some players advocate fighting monsters, while others advocate continuing to hunt down two teams with different opinions. In this place, they split up and lead half of the teams to do various things.
At this time, Ye Zhang and others have been fighting for giant plants for nearly 4 minutes, and Zhang Ye’s blue amount has almost bottomed out. At this time, he no longer casts Rapier. It is a little longer to delay it. It is a little longer to rely on divine blessing to resist monsters. He has won more than 3 minutes.
Feng Zhi and others Ye Bai can’t resist this BOSS135 elite monster in this place except Ye Zhang. For them, there are not only two levels of repression, but also their team lacks a core team member wet nurse.
However, for them, the only thing that keeps them insisting at present is that the blood volume of giant plants is less than 15%
"Ye Zhang, why don’t we forget it!"
The famous war looked at one side, and then it was not a famous war style to say this sentence toward Ye Zhang, but Ye Zhang understood his meaning.
It is at this time that Feng Zhi, Ming Zhan and Tian Benlie, except Ye Zhang, all have a life because they can’t die here. Once they die, they will return to their respective resurrection points in the main city and they will have no hope of coming out.
Ye Zhang hesitated to give him a blue amount, but he didn’t want to take the exam. Just then Feng Zhikou said
"Hold on until there is no blue"
Feng Zhi had decided that no one else in the room would say much, but just at this key, they came behind them. Ye Zhang, who was in the grass, suddenly felt his hair stand on end. He didn’t think about it and knew that it must be the players who came here.
Ye Zhang at this time has a strange heart. He looked back at Feng Zhi. After a second of eye handover, Feng Zhi and others immediately withdrew from the fighting state. Although Nai can’t delay this time.
When Ye Zhang’s last holy blessing lasted, the group of players behind him had already seen him when he ran away from this strange warning range in the distance.
"The great whirlwind will be bloody and the battle will be fierce!"
Some people shouted their names one after another, surprised and angry, but most players saw giant plants with about 7% blood left.
On the one hand, they want to kill the enemy, and on the other hand, they dream of elite monsters. Almost at this moment, when Ye Zhang ran from their eyes, several people rushed towards the giant plants.
Players took hold of the giant plant and hated it. The monster has been beaten by Ye Zhang and others. They didn’t have much effort to increase the number of people and soon killed the giant plant.
At this time, Ye Zhang and others, who were out of combat, were gloomy. They heard cheers among the trees and there were sounds like "hidden gold equipment", "me" and "give it to me" from time to time.
This is not the first time that Ye Zhang has been robbed, but it is so clear that he heard this group of players cheering after the robbery. The sound was extremely harsh and a provocation. He wanted to impulsively run out and fight with this group of players, but the famous battle took him by the shoulder and shook his head at him.
Ye Zhang didn’t know how much longer he could bear it, but he felt that he was about to lose it.
"Let’s go"
Ye Zhang was so depressed that he couldn’t finish killing and couldn’t make sense. His heart was filled with humbling. When a group of four people moved on and came to Zulong Cliff, Ye Zhang accidentally saw a sign appear in his message bar.
"Congratulations on discovering Zulong Cliff, gaining 30,000 experience, getting gold coins, and getting 5 o’clock in Shuiyue Tiandu."
Ye Zhang one leng looking back at this time to Feng Zhi hesitated and Feng Zhi obviously guessed what Ye Zhang was thinking.
"Somalia didn’t explore the Zulong Battlefield at the beginning, but you stayed here."
Ye Zhang was touched that the little beauty was also a human race, and Feng Zhi was her own brother. However, he did not leave this welfare to his sister, but gave it to him. When Ye Zhang saw that his level had reached 111, Ye Zhang felt warm.
He also had a little doubt about Feng Zhi because of the sunset words, and now it has vanished. They were tied to the same chariot, sharing weal and woe, but Feng Zhi didn’t give up the glitz and came back. He fought side by side with Ye Zhang’s own former villain and felt despised.
"Congratulations on discovering the Zulong passageway, gaining 30,000 experience, winning gold coins and 5: 00 in Shuiyue Tiandu."
"Congratulations on discovering Zulong Trail, gaining 30,000 experiences, winning gold coins and 5 o’clock in Shuiyue Tiandu."
"Congratulations on discovering the Zulong vein, gaining 30,000 experience, getting gold coins, and getting 5 o’clock in Shuiyue Tiandu."
Ye Zhang’s experience is soaring rapidly. In addition to what Feng Zhi has seen, the famous battle and the fierce battle of the sky are all horrified and inexplicable. Seeing that Ye Zhang’s level is rising rapidly from 111 to 14, after more than a dozen leveling areas, when Zulong Imperial City, a big town, appeared in their eyes days ago, Ye Zhang’s level stopped at 115, which is tied with Feng Zhi for the first place in the level list.
Chapter four hundred and twenty The ancestor bird
The big whirlwind is convulsing again!
Several players paid attention to the cyclone level in major towns. When they saw that the cyclone level stopped at level 115, their eyes twitched. They all looked around and showed their eyes.


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