Jun was surrounded by Lingyun military forces on all sides.

Although there are a large number of Cao Jun, many soldiers in the encirclement can’t get out of their hands.
In the periphery, Cao Jun’s face falls into the wind, and it is not an opponent. If he goes to be surrounded in this way, Cao Jun will be less and less destroyed by the Ministry.
"What is this?"
"Where did so many people come from?"
Before they left, there were hundreds of thousands of troops left with GongSunYing, but now they have roughly calculated that there are at least 500,000 enemy soldiers around Jun.
500 thousand around 1 million, which is impossible in normal times, but it appears in front of them now
The siege of Cao Jun is not very thick, although there are 500,000 encirclement.
The two sides form a big circle with a small circle, but the proportion of the small circle is larger than the big circle.
Chapter 56 Xu You moves
This place is really a good place surrounded by ambushes.
Not only did GongSunYing want to come here to ambush Xu Chu and Guo Jia, but he also chose this place, and now Xu You is here with people.
Xu You didn’t know that GongSunYing had been ambushed. When he and Bing Xinyu set out, GongSunYing rescued those soldiers and didn’t reach Changshan.
But after arriving in Changshan, Xu You suddenly remembered that 200 miles south of Changshan was an excellent ambush.
After going to western Liaoning, Xu You has forgotten the terrain of Jizhou in recent years. If it is not in Changshan, Xu Yougen can’t remember it.
And when I think of it, Xu You is white GongSunYing, who wants to ambush GongSunYing there. He knows that.
Heart dark scold GongSunYing want to monopolize the credit Xu You don’t want to take a trip to Jizhou and then be lingyun permanently in western Liaoning, he also needs credit to prove himself, so the horse set out with people.
Xu You can’t mobilize military forces without disturbing Bing Xin Yu Bing Xin Yu is naturally coming with people.
Although Xu You’s marching route is farther than Gong Sunying’s, Xu You’s speed is much faster than Gong Sunying’s. He arrived in Changshan yesterday and set out with people today.
Because of the ambush, Xu You did not take the road with the army, but chose a path, which slowed down a lot. By the time he arrived, GongSunYing had failed and Cao Jun was cleaning up the battlefield.
How can this opportunity Xu You give up and surround Jun with his troops?
Even if Xu You’s troops occupy the right place and surround Jun, there is not necessarily a Bing Xin jade in his hand, which is a five-star high-ranking military commander. Other military commanders can’t do it.
But at this time, Dian Wei was injured on Jun’s side, and Xu Chu and Xu Huang were not here, which gave Xu You an excellent opportunity.
Xu You is a five-star high-ranking counselor, and Guo Jia is a five-star top counselor. There is a gap between them, but former Guo Jia has commanded Cao Jun to play a game, and now he can exert his strength just like Xu You.
Although Cao Jun won a great victory in besieging GongSunYing, the consumption was definitely that soldiers were killed or injured, and the fatigue was also higher than that brought by Xu You.
And Xu You’s attack timing is the perfect time to make a move. Cao Jun just let his guard down. When cleaning the battlefield, he suddenly attacked, which made many Cao Jun don’t know what to do.
Guo Jia also didn’t expect Xu You to suddenly go out here.
When Guo Jia was suddenly attacked by Xu You, he failed to command the soldiers to counterattack at the eleventh time. At that time, he was still taking care of Dian Wei by Dian Wei.
Dian Wei not only had his feet cut off, but also suffered serious visceral injuries. However, the limited level of military doctors can temporarily suppress Dian Wei’s injuries, and even his feet were cut off.
Xu Shen, the best doctor, is still following Cao Cao outside Wei County.
At that time, Guo Jia asked the army doctor to control Dian Wei’s injury first, and then the horse let people take Dian Wei to Cao Cao to find Xu Imperial Doctor for treatment.
But when the army doctor treated Dian Wei, Xu You made a move.
After Guo Jia reacted, the horse commanded the soldiers to deal with it, but in the face of Xu You’s attack, it could also make the army stick to it
Due to the limitation of terrain, Guo Jia can now put up a circular array defense, which has slowed down the casualties of Cao Jun, but it has managed to reverse the situation. The soldiers on the periphery are constantly falling.
By the time Xu Chu and Xu Huang came back, more than 100,000 Cao Jun had been killed.
After Xu Chu saw it, he directly killed Xu You.
You can still see Xu You’s position here.
Seeing all the time, listening to all the parties, Xu You naturally discovered Dian Wei, Xu Huang.
After his arrival, he saw that Jun was cleaning the battlefield and Bai Gongsun Ying had been ambushed by the other side.
Although Xu You didn’t know what the other party was not ambushed by GongSunYing, it didn’t affect his judgment.
After seeing Xu Chu and Xu Huang, Xu You called Bing Xin Yu to kill the enemy on the battlefield.
Before, he really looked down on Bing Xin-yu, a delicate beauty, but in the past half an hour, Bing Xin-yu has completely reversed her image in Xu You’s heart.
In half an hour, Bing Xin-yu took the Bing Feng Corps to fight in Cao Jun.
And Xu You’s counselor’s every move on the battlefield will hardly escape his eyes, and Bing Xin’s performance will be clear.
Without Bing Xin Yu Xu You, I’m really not sure if I can have the advantage now.
In the face of Guo Jiabu’s circular array, many places are ice-hearted.
Xu Chuchao killed Xu You and instantly cut down more than a dozen ordinary soldiers.
But it was soon stopped by Bing Xinyu.
But Bing Xinyu is a five-star high-level strength and not an opponent of Xu Chu.
And Xu Chu in the process of pursuing GongSunYing has already been suppressed full of gas, and now it’s all scattered in Bing Xin Jade Head. He doesn’t care if Bing Xin Jade is beautiful or not.
It’s ten strokes of Bing Xin Yu Yi Jiao’s plum blossom gun in his hand, but it was picked up by Xu Chu.
"Be careful" shouted Xu You. Although Bing Xin Yu was defeated by Xu Chu in ten strokes, Xu You didn’t feel weak in her heart at this time.
Bing Xin-yu, these ten moves were enough for Xu You to prepare when the soldiers delayed before Canada.
Bing Xin Yu didn’t know Xu You’s meaning, but he was decisive and pulled away from Xu Chu, and even the chosen flying plum fireworks didn’t come to pick it up.
At the time of Bing Xin Jade’s retreat, a thousand soldiers nearby have set up a small array according to Xu You’s top cloth to trap Xu Chu.
Xu Chu has already distanced himself from Xu Huang and others because he rushed too hard. Now he is trapped in the array by Xu You alone, but it is difficult to get away.
A thousand soldiers are armed with shields, each of which is bigger than a man.
Xu You asked not to kill Xu Chu but to trap Xu Chu.


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