Liu Feng’s punch didn’t have much repercussions, because not many people saw it at that time, and the Internet cafe workers had been banned. Feng Shaoguo strongly mediated to punish Liu Feng, that is, fine and compensation for york Medicine.

However, everyone did not expect that Liu Feng not only punched york in reality, but also punched york in the game. Liu Feng set the shortest game record in the game with york, and york handed over his own head in three seconds, which was refreshed by Liu Feng again during the war.
York, on the other hand, looked at his brain screen with a dull face for a long time. I can’t believe that Liu Feng’s punch hit york not only as simple as punching him in the heart, but directly telling him that york completely shattered the game with confidence and enthusiasm in the game. He made Dao Mei his best.
However, even when the line was added, york persisted for a total of half a minute … York was the world’s top single player and got his best Dao Mei, but he was directly ended by Liu Feng for 3 seconds!
Chapter 16 Real strength?
On that day, even though york chose his best blade will, he still couldn’t resist the power of Liu Fengde Levin’s "three axes". york had already found the weakness of the "three axes", but he still found that everything was naive until the time of the game.
When york was still imagining in his mind how the blade would abuse Liu Fengde Levin, Liu Fengde Levin directly seized an opportunity to launch an attack on the "three axes" and directly took it as just three seconds later! That is, the two sides have just reached the line, and there is no time for even the line of soldiers.
In fact, Liu Feng has already calculated that the power of "Three Axes" is really amazing, but it is also very limited, especially in solo. After all, if it is a game, your teammates will create opportunities for you to use "Three Axes", but solo is almost never such an opportunity.
Liu Feng, through several battles with york, has learned that this person is a person who has a higher eye than the top but a lower eye. This time solo is the advantage. Liu Feng chose Draven. It is estimated that york has relaxed his vigilance when he saw that he chose Draven.
Sure enough, the whole game was like a comedy directed by Liu Feng. After york went online, he didn’t do positional defense, but swayed from side to side and was directly taken by Liu Feng.
This is a game that has decided the outcome before the game. Because york’s eyes are above the top, he has suffered from failure again and again, but york still hasn’t got rid of this problem. This is the biggest shortcoming that limits york’s growth.
The referee announced that the game was over. Liu Feng walked on the stage, but he couldn’t leave yet. He still had five games to play today. At this time, york came over and said with a cold hum, "It’s your luck this time. I was careless. We are touching. I will definitely beat you. I will avenge today."
Liu Feng looked at york and felt funny. By this time, he still didn’t see his own problems. Liu Feng shook his head and ignored york directly. He let york go to the backstage players’ lounge.
York felt a strong sense of humiliation. He wanted to turn around and grab Liu Fengzhi directly and ask him what he thought of himself. But now the wound on his mouth is still waking up. He is still less subtle. He is not stupid enough to find someone to beat himself.
"Wait for Liu Feng, si, and we will seal your gb." york silently thought that he dare not shout like this in front of Liu Feng now, and his face still hurts …
Liu Feng needs to take part in the competition today, which has lasted for noon and scattered at various times. This is a good test for his physical strength. Today’s competition, Liu Feng is still in a brave state in other games, and it is a direct and simplest way to cut his opponent to the horse.
Today, Liu Feng finally saw Park Yoon-hwan’s game with his own eyes, which made him feel incredible. The so-called doorkeeper and layman watched the fun. The general audience always felt that Park Yoon-hwan was lazy, as if he had never focused on the game. This temperament made the audience love and hate Park Yoon-hwan.
So Park Youhuan’s popularity has never been very good. Although he is recognized as the first person in the competition in the world at present, his popularity is not as high as that of his partner Zhang Zhenhao. In his words, there are many fans and there is not much money to care whether he has fans or not.
However, Liu Feng now finds that Park Youhuan’s game talent is really amazing and scary. He can change the time difference at any time in lazy and focused games.
Generally speaking, there is a certain time difference between the relaxed state and the absorbed state. Although it is very short, this time is enough to be a fatal attack point for professional players.
Therefore, many teams will change the team rhythm for their opponents to interfere with the opponent’s rhythm, so as to facilitate the reaction delay when the opponent’s rhythm changes and seize the opportunity to attack the opponent.
However, this tactic is completely effective for Park Youhuan. Liu Fenggang has just seen Park Youhuan’s apm suddenly soar from less than 2 to 9 before a drill. There is no connection flaw in this, which is that even he can’t do it!
He finally knows nothing. No matter what sb faces, the rhythm of the team will always be completely overwhelmed. Even if the opponent is trying hard, he still feels that he can’t disrupt the rhythm of sb. Because sb root has no rhythm, they rely on Park Youhuan, the core point, which is a perfect talent for rhythm transformation.
"How strong!" Liu Feng looked at Park Yoon-hwan, who seemed to be sleepy at the competition table, and felt a chill in his heart. I don’t know how much his opponent was paralyzed. Liu Feng thought that if Park Yoon-hwan consciously and deliberately leaked his lazy posture, the real strength of Park Yoon-hwan was really frightening.
Now Liu Feng has probably guessed that the man who competed with himself for the Grand Marshal in doa at that time was Park Youhuan. At that time, Liu Feng conservatively estimated that he didn’t even take out 10% strength. After the game, his rhythm was fixed at a stable and slow pace.
"No wonder the eldest brother said that Park Yoon-hwan was suffocating. Now it seems that there is no exaggeration at all." Liu Feng has got up and left the venue. He knows that the ending has been decided.
Don’t watch the game. It seems to be a tortuous process. Liu Feng can now be 100% sure that this film was made by Park Yoon-hwan himself. Now Park Yoon-hwan has never made his real strength!
"How deep is your strength?" Liu Feng walked out of the venue and trembled unconsciously. This is the peak of the fighting spirit. He can’t stand the moment when he confronts Park Youhuan, and Park Youhuan shows his real strength!
Chapter 17 Bad news
When Liu Feng came out of the competition venue, he received a message that Liu Feng was simply unexpected. A message was called by Liu Feng’s mother Jiang Feng.
"Hey mom, what did you call me about?" Liu Feng was a little surprised to talk to his mother. His mother made a special trip to cheer him up.
"Xiao Feng … I have been in the imperial city. Some time ago, I saw your grandfather’s medical records and pictures. Your grandfather’s cancer cells have spread …" Jiang Feng at the other end of the words seems to be constantly suppressing his voice to stop crying.
"What?" Liu Feng couldn’t believe the news. He had never heard of Jiang Fengrong. No wonder Jiang Fengrong looked at his grandfather so strangely when he took himself to see him.
"Well, I’m not going to say much. Is grandpa in Jinghai now? I’m flying to Jinghai constantly. I think your grandfather must really want to see me. I want to tell him that I have never blamed him. "
"Well, when will Mom pick you up from my car in Jinghai, and then we’ll go to see Grandpa together?"
"Is there a problem at 6: 40 pm? When? "
"No, I’ll go to Lian Xiao-yi right now. She should know where grandpa is now."
"Well, go. I’ll wait for your news. You pick me up, and then we’ll go directly."
Hang up the phone and Liu Feng quickly called Jiang Fengrong. Jiang Fengrong heard Liu Fengyin’s silence for a long time and sighed and said, "Your grandfather and your mother are both stubborn donkeys. They just don’t want to let go and die. Your grandfather won’t let me tell your mother about this. I didn’t expect your mother to find out when she got the anonymous medical record."
"Aunt grandpa is really sick?"
"… well, when it was discovered, there was no treatment. At that time, I returned it to your mother. Your mother also said that there was no way to prolong life … I just went to check your grandfather again some time ago, and there may be only a few months left."
"But …" Liu Feng didn’t know what to say, but he felt that his throat seemed to be suddenly blocked by something. He felt worse than trying to shout out but couldn’t make a sound.
"Well, don’t be sad, Xiao Feng. This is inevitable. Your grandfather has been thinking about it for a long time and doesn’t want you to be sad … but your grandfather will feel very relieved when your mother finally comes back. So I will go to Jinghai Airport at once and you don’t need a car. Take a taxi directly to the airport and wait for your mother. I will directly pull you to see your grandfather."
"Yeah, I’m going to the airport right now."


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