chapter two

"Hey, wake up, you!" The hazy middle name feels as if someone is calling him.
"Hey, wake up!" The man’s tone seems to be getting impatient and rude.
"True" is followed by a series of bad words, which makes the name frown. He wants to open his eyes to see who is scolding him, but his eyelids are heavy and he can’t open them.
"Ah ~ I can’t stand it!" The man yelled and then suddenly felt that his stomach was heavily kicked. "Damn it, why don’t you wake up!" "
The pain of abdominal spasm finally shook the nerve endings and stimulated the cerebral cortex, which made him support his eyelids.
Eyes Shihou Zhang’s sight is still a blur. He saw a red object dangling in front of him, and gradually his sight became clear. He didn’t see that he was in front of a strange boy.
It’s probably shorter than the feather on the eve of the night. It’s like a flame. Long hair is curled up like a flame, and a large red and black striped tights are hung. What do you think of it? It’s like a bad child. The most strange thing is that the little boy has a slender head with two black flashing horns, a pair of small black wings like a bat and a black tail like a triangular arrow behind him
"What are you looking at!" The teenager was very unhappy when he saw a strange eye. "Mom has never seen such a lovely devil!" "
Demon? What race is that in my heart?
"You still see? ! Hum! Come and see, it takes me seconds to calculate the cost ~ "The teenager put on a very distressed expression." Forget it, forget it, who let me share your idiot master! "
Master? There’s a new question about his name. He doesn’t know the teenager at all.
"It’s impossible to look at you like an idiot. I said listen, but I’ll say it once. Oh, listen!"
The young man took a deep breath and said
"I’m a blood blade, that is, you match the knife, that is, the night feather gives you the knife. You are my master after Lord Bilby signed the contract with you. You can temporarily benefit my various abilities by absorbing other people’s lives to supplement myself or absorb other people’s souls to strengthen my power. Your overdraft vitality has been absorbed by Agnes’s vitality, so you didn’t die. After being sucked in by a black hole, you suddenly appeared here and fell off. Fortunately, I changed my human form and took you to half this cliff cave, and I stayed up all night to take care of you and repair your body, otherwise you would have died
Robbie’s words are quick and urgent, but it’s hard to understand if he doesn’t have a good ear
"Well, now that you’re awake, I should go back," Robbie muttered. "Mom lost all her energy because of you idiot."
Then Robbie turned into a red light in front of the famous man and flashed into the middle name of his waist sword. Robbie sounded in his mind. "There is no big deal. Don’t wake up the big ye. I have so much energy. I want to have a good sleep! If you can’t solve anything, just call my name in your mind! "
Ming checked his equipment and found that his wound was bandaged up. From the crooked bandage, it can be seen that the bandaging person must be a green hand. Is it Robbie?
I got up and walked to the bright place. I saw that he was in a cliff and a half cave, as Robbie said. On the opposite side was a continuous mountain range, which seemed to be a valley. On the Chinese side, there were dense forests, lakes and streams with little blue, and from time to time, some strange creatures with wings roared by.
The famous man removed all his bandages and stretched his body directly from half a jump. He grabbed the trunk of a big tree and then jumped to the ground. He touched the ground soil, sniffed the smell and distinguished the surrounding plants one by one. He found that he had never seen plants, and the ground soil was not familiar with the smell. Once the top killer in the group, he traveled all over the country and received cruel training, which made them even afraid to step into the forbidden area. Since childhood, he was forced to instill various geographical knowledge and was taught. A variety of methods to distinguish directions can let them judge where they are at any time and anywhere, but now they are white about everything around them. This is his second time to judge the problem by using the killer’s experience. For the first time, he regarded the killer’s code as a night feather to block the thunder.
When he thinks of the night feather, his heart is inexplicable. He doesn’t know how far apart his night feathers are, and he doesn’t know if he was injured when he came from the black hole.
He doesn’t care what he is in. The only thing he wants to do now is to find Night Feather, find him and protect him!
Ningxiang is a kind of fragrant powder on the body of their killer. A little powder can last for a few months. When they went to the Elf Forest early, the name of the night feather was not at ease, so they secretly collected the materials to make this fragrant powder. This kind of fragrant powder on the night feather body is a light pink powder, which will directly penetrate into the skin or be directly inhaled by people, but it will be as faint as cherry blossoms. If it is not for their specially trained killer root method, the smell is so light, but the fragrance is also effective. If it is so 100 kilometers away, it is naturally impossible to smell it and decide to walk around.
It is said that Ye Yu was naturally very anxious after knowing that Xiu was going to be executed. He bought several very low-level magic nuclei (both the magic nucleus and the underworld) to buy the most common means of transportation in the underworld-"Malone", which is a kind of lower-level Warcraft similar to Raptors. It belongs to earthworm, a creature in the underworld without horses, and Ye Yu wondered how the word Malone was coined. Malone’s figure is bigger than that of the Raptor, and his feet are longer. One step is worth the night feather. When running in five or six steps, the frequency of alternating two hind legs is even more strange. Raptor is almost the same as the underworld, and even the city is so far away. People never walk except some who can lead demons, such as flying, teleporting and leaping. This kind of Malone is common.
Ask about the direction of the dark Beijing. Night Feather climbed Malone’s back and set off all night without even eating. Night Feather didn’t adapt to Malone’s too bumpy pace, but after getting used to it, she kept speeding up. Malone’s fast speed and rapid skill added to the night Feather’s feeling of whistling and retrogression. If his eyes were not good, he really couldn’t command Malone, but I have to say that it was a word "cool" to let go and run!
Night feather arrived in the dark Beijing at the time when it was time to eat all the way in the evening. After all, it was not enough. Night feather touched her belly and casually walked into a rather imposing hotel on the roadside.
When the other party entertained him, he was greeted by a dark-haired aristocrat, who went to flatter and help Night Feather hold Malone’s beautiful face. When he saw Night Feather’s beautiful face, he shook his head and was knocked on his head for several times before he woke up. The waiter was not annoyed. Hey hey smiled and took Malone to the backyard stable to feed him. He didn’t even remember to ask Night Feather for it.
Looked at the sitting floor and drooled at him. The night feather frowned. Go straight to the private room on the second floor. The second floor is no better than the full one. Many private rooms are almost full. There is already a dark-haired inferno drinking on a desktop in the corner of the window.
Gollum belly rang again. Night feather lamented that he was resigned to the corner.
"May I sit here, please?"
Hearing the night feather’s question, the young inferno raised his head and sharpened his resolute lip line. The profound facial features should be masculine than looks, but they match those melancholy purple-black eyes. Can’t you tell the strange amorous feelings, seductive or charming?
Night feather saw that man’s appearance was like a body blow. Isn’t it Valensell in front of him? !


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