The result still hasn’t changed when Sunday’s punch hit that place; The magic of the willow demon in the heart of Hu is still not effective, but it can’t even resist the boxing speed on Sunday a little bit, that is, watching the fist on Sunday see it as a spell; In an instant, it broke those branches.

By this time; It’s impossible to ignore Sunday’s attack. When the mana and spells are all lost, it’s just then that the generalship got the lotus terrace from Sunday.
Hu’s heart willow demon may not know much about the lotus platform given to it on Sunday, but he doesn’t know the origin of its lotus platform. When Hu’s heart willow demon got the pure violet lotus platform, he knew that his lotus platform was a defensive magic weapon at that time.
Although it can’t be brought into full play because of the lack of sacrifice, the lotus is also an innate magic weapon, and the strength of the willow demon is not weak when the lotus is sacrificed. Also is far more than the general fairy.
When the willow demon came out of the lotus; This time, the actual face of the competition has already been lost. After all, the eye of the willow demon on Sunday is simply a punch, but the willow demon on Sunday is one after another, so that there is no way to stop the Sunday attack by various means. Finally, it even moves the innate magic weapon, whether it can stop the Sunday attack or not. Compared with Sunday, the heart willow demon has already lost, so; Hu’s heart willow demon is naturally equivalent to giving up.
Just in the heart of Hu, the willow demon is already equivalent to giving up; Since Sunday’s punch was not blocked by the lotus stand for a while; On Sunday, the fist also broke through the lotus defense, and a slow speed reached out to the willow demon in the heart of Hu, which stopped at that time.
Until Sunday, when I closed my fist; The face of the willow demon is still a stiff expression. It’s no ordinary thing to blow the willow demon on Sunday. Although it was already sensed the change of Sunday, it did not recognize that Sunday would be its opponent.
The gap between fairyland and sacred land is not generally large; Although the evil eye of the willow tree is half-pedaled into the sacred land; According to the eyes, the willow demon is cultivated; But also has not fairyland monks can deal with it.
The reason why the willow demon will respect God; It’s not because it’s in Sunday’s hands. If you don’t listen to Sunday’s words; A thought on Sunday can kill it.
However, although I was forced to recognize God Zhou, I was in the heart of a willow demon. However, it still believes that its strength lies in Sunday’s eye, even if it is not rebellious because of the favor of Sunday, but its heart is for Sunday; However, it has never been regarded as being able to match itself.
That is, in the heart of Hu, the willow demon has such confidence; On Sunday, however, that punch shattered the confidence of the willow demon in the heart of Hu. According to the eye on Sunday, the willow demon in the heart of Hu showed this strength. I don’t know if the speed of that punch was faster on Sunday, but it was impossible to hide in the past with that punch on Sunday.
And on Sunday, when I saw a face of dying expression, I knew that the effect I wanted to achieve was already halfway achieved. In my own blow, the willow demon didn’t hide in the past. Now it should have realized that its strength is not as strong as it imagined. It is necessary to restore the confidence of the willow demon. On Sunday, however, that punch is equivalent to achieving the effect it wants to achieve.
Yes; Sunday may not have thought that his punch would hit the willow demon in the heart of Hu so hard. After Sunday’s boxing; Re-arrest-heart willow demon is already hit by that one-punch attack on Sunday at that time, and even the faith is gone. Sitting on the ground with a face of dying embers seems to accept the result.
"Can’t accept this result?" It’s like talking to yourself. On Sunday, I walked up to the willow demon in Hu’s heart and said to him, "Don’t be really interested now. Although you already have the strength of the sacred land in terms of mana, the sacred land is stronger than the fairyland, not because of how strong its mana is, but because the sacred land monk has the ability to control the law after cutting the corpse. In the law, the sacred land monk can play a hundred times more powerful than the fairyland monk, but now you have the mana but you haven’t been able to cut the corpse successfully. You still have the sacred land mana. You can be regarded as a monk in wonderland. My punch is to tell you that you are far from reaching the realm of natural enemies. If you meet a strong enemy one day according to your previous mentality; Maybe it will kill you. Don’t tell me. Just look at this world, it has a lot of fiend strength, but as far as we know, the strength of the holy land monks is quite according to your mentality just now; Don’t let you know anything; I’m afraid you dare to run and fight those fiends. "
The willow demon is not a fool; Before, it was only because of drilling a dead end that some brains couldn’t turn around. Now, after listening to Sunday’s words; After playing that boxing on Sunday; I have already recognized my own strength, although I have not yet recovered; But those words on Sunday are already reflected after slowly nodded his head; Hu’s heart willow demon arrived and still honestly replied to Sunday at that time, "Master, please rest assured; I already know what to do. "
"Your talent is very good; Can not speak out; It’s best not to show up, or if those fiends find out then, according to our strength, it won’t necessarily be how much their opponents think about cutting the corpse, but it’s not really a sacred land. According to your current strength, the world should be enough to protect itself. "Say that finish; On Sunday, I turned my head and looked at Alice again, then said to her, "This helper is yours. If you can’t expand your power with it, I really should think about whether it is necessary to change the demon."
And Alice, after listening to Sunday’s words; But at that time, the body couldn’t help shaking up. According to Alice’s nature, it is impossible to be afraid like that, but Alice is excited like that. Alice is not very clear about the strength of the willow demon, but just look at its momentum; Alice knew that the willow demon was a great expert. Since she gave him such a powerful helper on Sunday, Alice naturally had no reason to be unhappy after thinking that her hands would control such a powerful monk.
Eyes flashing after looking at a re-arrest-heart willow demon; At that time, Alice must have replied to Sunday, "With such a superior help, it is no problem to expand naturally, even if the generals expand as big as the devil’s power, they can do it."
"You want to have that dare to do that; Then just do it. "Listen to Alice; On Sunday, it was natural that she didn’t have the spirit directly, so she gave her a white look. However, according to Alice’s Lord-level strength, she will generally expand into the demon king’s first-level scope. If you dare to do that, then God knows which level will attract the demon clan’s strong attention, but the willow demon is strong but can’t face it. If Alice really dares to do that; I really don’t know what the consequences will be.
Alice naturally knew this situation when she listened to Sunday’s words; It’s really a big shame. After a few quick smiles, I thought about the scenery after my strength rose, so my face couldn’t help giggling again at that time, so I saw Alice’s expression on Sunday. I really don’t know what to say about her
But since Sunday is already a decision; Naturally, it is impossible to make changes for other reasons, so Sunday made a decision to leave at that time after explaining those things.
"After this side of things to you to do, if necessary, I will contact you myself and hope you can gain something; Don’t let me down too much "say that finish this sentence; On Sunday, it seemed as if he had thought of something and suddenly turned away to warn the willow tree in the heart of Hu, "I almost forgot to tell you; Lao Liu, because there are two universes fighting for this world rule and killing the enemy, will get merit rewards. According to your present practice, although merit has not helped you as much as before, I guess merit should still attract you. "
Because I haven’t been out for a long time, the willow demon naturally doesn’t understand the world. Suddenly, when I heard on Sunday that it would be meritorious to kill demons in this world, the willow demon suddenly flashed a lot of ideas to kill demons.
On Sunday, it is natural that the meeting will remind you of this matter, that is, to avoid some situations, only to see the expression of the willow demon; On Sunday, I will know what kind of idea his heart is playing there. After I didn’t good the spirit, I took a look at the willow demon in Hu’s heart, but on Sunday I asked him. "Are you really going to kill a lot of demons to gain merit?"
Sunday this question; It was at that time that the willow demon calmed down and then thought about Sunday’s strength. In his case, he seemed to have a lot of scruples. In general, he remembered that Sunday had said that the demon side had a stronger fiend than them. At that time, it was white that Sunday would say those words to him.
If you can really get merit by killing demons; So it’s really attractive to the willow demon with the heart of Hu, but if a group of strength is attracted by some merits and finally killed by the demon, then it seems to the willow demon with the heart of Hu that it is not worthwhile.
Of course; Hu Xin Liu Yao can also get a piece of the plan from Sunday, but the merits will not help it very much. At the same time, if you had kept it in mind before Sunday, it would be impossible to agree to its request without saying Zhou Tiangen. Just say that Hu Xin Liu Yao could not have the cheek to ask for it, so after calming down; Hu’s heart willow demon directly dispelled those redundant ideas, but he no longer considered killing demons to gain merit.
"Master, please rest assured; I will cooperate with Miss Alice to complete the plans you have set, and I will accept those redundant ideas. Re-arrest-the-heart willow demon is a direct guarantee for Sunday.
A look at the performance of the willow demon; On Sunday, I knew that the heart willow demon finally chose to relax at the same time; On Sunday, however, he said to the heart of the willow tree that "a large number of demons were slaughtered"; When the time comes, attracting a fiend is definitely not a good thing for us; When you help Alice, you may secretly ask many powerful demons to fight and kill powerful demons, and you will get a lot of merits, so you should not come; Under normal circumstances, the part of the merits gained by killing the enemy will belong to you. Although you are not big now, those merits will increase the power of a lotus platform; There is still some help for you. "
Chapter two hundred and nineteen Attack
Chapter two hundred and ten Attack
When Sunday’s words fall to the ears of the willow demon in Hu’s heart; Hu Xin Liu Yao is naturally overjoyed at his merits. It can be said that it is a panacea baby. Even if it is not necessary for eye-lifting, it is the same. No one will abandon his own merits. The main reason why Hu Xin Liu Yao gave up hunting merits before is not that he really didn’t need merits, but mainly because of the need on Sunday. Hu Xin Liu Yao finally chose to give up.
However, when the willow demon in the heart of Hu was ready to give up the business of gaining merit; On Sunday, it was at that time that I said something like that, and my eyes were so embarrassed by Sunday. Hu’s heart willow demon is natural, so it produces such a feeling of "getting it back"; Re-arrest-heart willow demon nature is very happy at the same time for Sunday is also more sense of j: and.
Sunday that little means who also can’t deceive; At the same time, on Sunday, I didn’t want to deceive anyone. Even the white willow demon bought him there on Sunday. I estimated that I would feel the same when the time comes. On Sunday, Alice made a strange face on Sunday after watching a column of performances on Sunday.
See Alice’s strange face; Sunday didn’t respond directly to it; Sunday is at that time turned around and left directly …
Sunday came out to harvest this time, but it was a big success. After the transformation of Xuangong, Zhou Tiancai is really stepping into the ranks of high-end combat power in the celestial world. The number of strong people in the sacred land is not much, depending on the strength of Zhou Tianyan. In the celestial power to is also absolutely can enter the top 100.
Meanwhile; Although the world may not be the other side’s opponent on Sunday due to the presence of a fiend, it is impossible to hurt Sunday if it is not the other side’s opponent on Sunday.
That is to say; When Sunday broke through, Zhou Tiancai had absolute self-protection ability at this time. Sunday may be unhappy again.
But I’m glad to be happy. I didn’t expect to encounter so many things when I came out this time on Sunday. The reason is that I didn’t inform others to go out, although things were solved quickly. When there is no làng; But on Sunday, it is still impossible to stay in the outside world any longer, otherwise, if those people in Tianshan City find out that he is not in the city, even it will really lead to a lot of trouble.
In order to avoid that situation; Even on Sunday, there are still many things to deal with, but in the end, I still have to honestly drive back immediately after I have finished processing things.
And according to the Sunday speed; It didn’t take huā long to get back to Tianshan City until Sunday when he entered his closed room and was not found. If it weren’t for Sunday’s own words, it would be estimated that he would be afraid of Sunday’s departure. Will become a secret that no one knows
However, Zhou Tianren estimated that he would not be in that mood to introduce himself to others’ great achievements’. Except for a few parties; It is estimated that what Sunday did should be unlikely to be known by others.
Push the door generously; Sunday guard said hello to those monks outside; It will once again appear in the eyes of Tianshan city residents.
The first thing; Sunday is naturally necessary to deal with those things that have not been dealt with. Although the eyes are no longer in urgent need of merit breakthrough as before, the merits and doubts are all accelerated by Sunday’s breakthrough. Since there are so many merits and deeds, the eyes can be more and more. Since there are so many active deliveries, Sunday is naturally not ignored.
But it may be because of what the blood night Devil did some time ago that those forces on the Terran side were scared to death. When the demon family was found to have made a real effort, since it had such strong strength, the Terran side also recognized the strength difference between the two sides at that time; Seek self-protection because one’s own strength is far less powerful than imagined; The influence of the Terran is that they will no longer tear each other apart but live in peace; At that time, it was already anxious about various ways to improve the strength of monks on their own side.
Merit is naturally the most common means; After such a nòng time, people in this world feel that their merits can be improved too little because they don’t know their merits, but the reason is that they are in great demand for Zhou Tiandan medicine. Sunday’s hand business is a convenience, and it’s also good to get up. With a lot of merits, all terran forces took the initiative to find Sunday to exchange Dan medicine from Sunday, and then they were anxious not to go back again, which made Tianshan City busy and made Sunday get many benefits in this kind of transaction.
Only in terms of harvest; At this time, Sunday should have been satisfied, and a lot of merits should be recorded; On Sunday, it will increase a lot and then rise at this rate; I’m afraid it won’t take a few years to make another breakthrough on Sunday.
For this kind of business; Sunday is not too resistant. On the one hand, Sunday benefits from this transaction, and on the other hand, this transaction has greatly increased the strength of the Terran side. On the other hand, it has greatly lengthened Sunday’s life in this world, no matter from which side; This kind of transaction is beneficial to both Sunday and Sunday.
However; With a large number of transactions; Slowly, at that time, some other problems appeared, which made Zhou Tianyuan feel good; It is suddenly bad again.


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