Lan Yuxi sincerely holds Feng Feiyan’s soft words, "Sister Feiyan, I can redeem you with this money first."

Feng Feiyan shook his head lightly. "Thank you, Sister Feather. She has been sold into a brothel since I was five years old. Mu Gong has offered to be redeemed for me many times, but where can I go from here? What can you do? Thank you for your kindness and I have become famous. Many people who don’t want to see you don’t have to worry about me. "
She has a faint sadness in the corner of her eyes and eyebrows, and blue feathers can’t help but feel sour in her heart. Yes, from ancient and modern times, many strange women have been born in the dust, but their integrity is comparable to that of ordinary men
"Sister feng, I guess you must like Mu Morningstar, right? If you go out, you can go with him. "Feather wanted to know.
Feng Feiyan smiled and shook his head gently. "I really love Mu Gong, but he also regards me as a confidante, and I am already a broken flower and a defeated willow root. I don’t want to drag him down in this life and pollute his reputation."
Feather Zhen feels like she’s going to faint. Bah, what’s her reputation? Just a snitch.
Chapter Brothel Beats Villains (Grab Tickets)
Take care of yourself, Sister Feng, and I will come to see you again.
Feng Feiyan gently held the feather and Fluttershy jade hand and a string of tears flowed out of those beautiful big eyes. "Although I hit it off with you and hope to see you often, I still don’t want innocent women like you to come to this place or don’t come again."
In a word, the feather is sour. "Sister Feng, don’t worry, I’m not afraid." She turned around and took Fluttershy’s hand with red eyes and turned away from Fengfei Smoke House and never looked back.
Behind him, there is a beautiful piano.
Just as Feather Beard and Fluttershy were preparing to leave Liuxiang Pavilion, they suddenly saw a group of people noisily coming in front of the door, a well-dressed Hua Gong, who was full of alcohol and making a big noise. Feather Beard looked intently and saw that it was the way to go. It was that young villain Yan Binghui.
Seeing this Yan Binghui clamoring all the way into the "Liuxiang Pavilion", the procuress hurried out to meet and arranged several girls with outstanding looks to help.
However, the rogue threw his arms and threw the girls to the ground. He shouted, "Let Feng Feiyan come out with me!" "
With a smiling face, the procuress said softly, "Yan Gong, my daughter is flying smoke these days. I’m really not feeling well. Shall I find some new beauties to accompany you?"
But where is this schoolyard bullies willing to listen to him roar with wine strength "uncomfortable? Every time I come, she doesn’t feel comfortable. When did she feel comfortable? I will let her relax today! " He brought the dog legs, and the people also booed hard.
He pushed the madam and went straight to the building.
Feather Zhen’s face changed greatly. She pulled Fluttershy, and both of them followed the crowd and went downstairs.
The schoolyard bullies Yan Binghui found a foot in the door, where she was playing the piano, but she still didn’t stop her piano.
Yan Binghui staggered into the room and saw this beautiful woman. She couldn’t help feeling that half of her body was crispy.
He smirked at the alcohol. "It’s better to see what you’ve heard than to see it. It’s really a beautiful woman, but it’s so big that every time the young master comes, you can’t shirk it and force me to be strong, right?" Is it because those princes, grandchildren and nobles support me that I don’t care about my young master? "
As he spoke, he grabbed Feng Fei’s cigarette sleeve and stuck it on that charming pink face with his smelly mouth.
But before I got close to that pink face, the rogue face got a loud slap in the face. Feng Fei Yan pulled back to her sleeve coldly and stared at Yan Binghui fearlessly. At this time, her awe-inspiring and inviolable temperament was daunting.
"You … how dare you!" Yan Binghui was beaten red in the eye. He grabbed Feng Feiyan’s clothes and forced her to fall to the embroidered bed.
The procuress hurried to the big circus when she saw that it was not good. "Yan Gong, my little girl is really seriously ill recently, and she is a little grumpy. King Ning came to listen to her and she didn’t even see it!"
As usual, Yan Binghui, who hears the name of Ning Wang, will immediately be terrified, but this time he has been fascinated by debauchery and anger. He cares that "I will recognize the master even if he is seriously ill."
He dived into the embroidered bed, pressed Feng Feiyan heavily to his body and tore at Feng Feiyan’s clothes.
The weak phoenix flies and the smoke struggles desperately, but where is the opponent with big arms and round waist?
The pimp is also anxious to lose money when watching Feng Feiyan, but it doesn’t help. Although Feng Feiyan is her cash cow, after all, she has feelings when she was raised from childhood.
At this time, I suddenly stopped drinking coldly. "Stop it, slut!" Although this charming drink a figure flash into the room is LanYuLv.
LanYuLv ran into the room, grabbed the schoolyard bullies Yan Binghui with both hands, pulled him away from Feng Feiyan’s body and jerked his knees to the top of the schoolyard bullies’ hips.
This villain howled like a pig. As soon as he turned around, he saw that he was a young and handsome boy. He always roared and hit Lan Yu with his fists. Like a sly rabbit, he avoided the villain’s fist, raised his right leg, split his legs and split his shoulders. The villain immediately knelt down.
I don’t know how to practice this trick for hundreds of times, but I haven’t even met a hooligan. I didn’t expect that at this time, the hero finally had a place to play and did it so beautifully.
Fluttershy took this opportunity to run to the room to help Feng Feiyan pull up the sheets and wrap her up.
The villain was split by the feather, and he was so angry that he screamed, "How dare you offend the young master?" A hungry tiger pounced on the ground and hugged the feather.
Where can feather Zhen let him succeed? She lifted a leg and kicked the schoolyard bullies in the face accurately. A few teeth suddenly flew out from Binghui’s mouth.
The schoolyard bullies Yan Binghui’s eyes are red, and his hands are no longer watching the scene of bustle, but shout and flock to block the feather and Fluttershy in the room.
A bunch of vicious dogs! Feather pastor mouth smile but the in the mind still very panic so many evil slaves themselves and Fluttershy two pairs of powder boxing so their opponents?
Sure enough, in a short time, the hat worn by the feather has been dragged, and the waterfall show has been waist-high and everyone is stunned. It turns out to be a young girl with a gorgeous photo.
Yan Binghui, a rogue on the ground, had sharp eyes. He recognized the girl in front of him as the girl who had taught himself a few days ago.
He screamed, "Get her! Get her!"
His hand got the main order and went even harder to catch the feather. He hid left and right and flashed. The baggage behind the feather was pulled inside and the silver and silver tickets were scattered all over the floor, which surprised everyone.
Yan Binghui picked up a silver ticket and looked at it. It was his own bank that printed it and picked up several numbers, which were almost continuous.
"Good, so you just stole my silver snitch’ Black Butterfly’. Don’t let them get away!" He shouted hard.
However, Feather Pastor is not a vegetarian. She turned around and kicked over two servants. She seized Yan Binghui’s neck and a steel hairpin while everyone was away. She has been quickly taken directly to the throat of the schoolyard bullies.
"I’ll stab him if I move!" Feather Zhen gnashed her teeth and threatened.
As soon as everyone saw this situation, they had to retreat regardless of their master’s life and rushed to Fluttershy with a little head. "Fluttershy, you should take the phoenix and fly first!"
Feng Feiyan shook her head and said eagerly, "You can’t escape with me, and they dare not do anything with me."


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