Nangong Hanxi couldn’t help hugging her. "I miss you and I can’t bear to part with you."

I can’t bear to miss a deep hug, and I feel a little distressed. "I’ll think about it."
The nangongshan Han Xi beaming eyes suddenly shine "I when you promised not to regret"
Throw this sentence and he ran away.
Mu Jiyue’s mouth twitched. Is this for fear that she will regret it? "Really"
Pinellia ternata and Banqiu came to arrange things to help her sleep.
Pinellia ternata hesitated. "The world still cares about you the most, and you should consider a lifelong event."
Generally, girls get married as soon as they reach the age of fifteen. There is no one to help her choose her marriage with her princess.
It’s sad that she won’t go back to the emperor again.
Mu Ji Yuegen doesn’t want to get married so early. "I’m still young and play for a few more years."
Pinellia gently urged, "At least I’m infatuated with you after the marriage is booked first …"
She is always a little uneasy about not ordering the marriage.
Mu Jiyue saw through her mind at a glance and shook her head slightly to get engaged. What about being a relative?
If something happens, something will happen!
"Don’t worry, I’ll marry you first."
Pinellia blushes. "Miss, what are you talking about? I’m not marrying."
Half autumn is a second leng, helping her comb her hair and directly asking, "what are your plans for the future, miss?" I really don’t want to go back? "
Ji Yue rubbed skin care on her face and patted her gently. "How comfortable it is outside? Why do you go back stupidly?"
She is really free outside, but she never wants to go back to the palace after playing kite like a broken line.
Pinellia is a little worried. "But that’s your root after all."
Root? Ji Yue can’t help but be happy. She has no roots. Every day is a waste of money. Just live.
"I don’t care about the palace at all, and I have no feelings for those people in the palace. That’s not my home."
Home is where you have family.
Are the Mu family her family? She won’t admit it!
She has money, martial arts, protection and business. Why does she travel all over the world and go back to that place where she can breathe freely?
Now even the emperor can’t do anything about her.
Make her unhappy, get a boat and get out of here at any time.
She hasn’t been in control for five years, and now she doesn’t need to endure it.
The two maids couldn’t do anything about her. They could give a long sigh.
Sometimes the Lord is too opinionated, which is also a headache.
A few rays of morning light rose in the east and a white light shone. A group of people were quietly resting outside the inn.
Dressed in black, the Nangong Hanxi walked out of the inn and everyone made a ceremony to be uniform.
The nangongshan Han Xi waved his hand and looked back for a moment without giving up.
"Let’s go." The Nangong Han Xi took the reins in his entourage’s hand and turned over the horses behind him. The horses were well trained.
This is that famous Black armor guard!
This posture alone is enough to scare off all the hooligans.
The nangongshan cold city can’t help but look back and glanced at a figure blunt come over "world".
It’s mid-autumn, and she’s running fast with a bag of steaming food in her hand. "This is the breakfast that Miss made for you to eat on the way."
Nangong Hanxi was very surprised. Is it an omelet? It smells good. "She made it for me?"
Nangong Hanxi’s heart is hot and her eyes are reddish. "Where is she?"
Banqiu laughed. "It’s easy for her to have a headache if she doesn’t sleep well just now. Why don’t I call her?"
The nangongshan cold city love dearly with the wave "no, don’t let her sleep, take good care of her, let me know what’s the matter"
"Driving" the Nangong Hanxi’s legs caught the horse’s belly and rushed into the morning light. A line of people quickly disappeared into the fog.
People just left. Just now, Nangong Hanxi looked back at the window frequently, revealing a charming little face. In the morning, China and the United States are fresh and refined.
Chapter 93 Willing to listen to the princess
Pinellia looked at her puzzled behind her. "Miss, why don’t you go to see the world?"
Mu Jiyue smiled faintly. "Are you willing to leave after seeing him?"
Well, she said there was no way to refute it. Look, the world is so sticky that it’s disgusting
After a few days in Huashan, I saw all the beautiful scenery, and I was satisfied with Mu Jiyue, waiting for the Wulin Congress to call again.
People are here, so it’s impossible to break up so easily.
Walking through the rosy clouds, the whole person is bathed in the golden glow, just like heaven and man.
Suddenly her footsteps frowned slightly.
Half autumn looked at her uneasily. "What’s wrong with miss?"
Mu Ji looked behind and shouted "Come out" coldly.
Someone? Half autumn some vacant can’t help looking around.
After a while, Suosuo sounded a figure coming out of the dark. "It’s me. I mean no harm."
It’s the owner of Bailin Villa. He looks a little nervous.
Mu Jiyue stared at him coldly and asked, "Why are you following us all the way?"
"It’s just the same way." Lord Bai Zhuang compensated with a smiling face. "Don’t get me wrong …"
"Misunderstanding?" Ji Yue smiled faintly. "Aren’t you tired of following the whole day from morning till evening?"
"Princess Hall, I …" Lord Bai Zhuang was amazed and didn’t expect to be discovered long ago.
At present, the woman is too heavy to hold her breath, which makes him secretly lose heart.


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