Gao Feining nodded. "It seems so."

Then he asked the venom, "Is that right?"
"Er … it seems so," admitted Venom himself. "Our leader Riot is an ambitious guy. He has a strong desire for control. If he is allowed to bring his symbiont to earth, he will try his best to rule here."
After that, the venom was weak and begged, "By the way, if the riot asks, don’t say that I betrayed him … He hates traitors and he will definitely kill me."
"Don’t worry, I won’t tell him," Goofy promised.
Eddie poked his face out of the venom again. "Goofy, we have to do something. We have to stop him! We can’t watch the earth occupied by this symbiont! "
Then he shouted at the venom, "And you! Venom, you guy who is trying to invade our earth, get out of my body! "
Venom looked aggrieved and said, "Shit! That’s very hurtful of you to say so! Trying to invade the earth is a riot. Is it our symbiont leader, not me? What’s with me? I’m a good man. My original planet was very popular! I would neve contemplate such an evil thing as invade another planet! "
"What?" Eddie was stunned and asked, "So aren’t you going to help your kind occupy the earth?"
"Of course not," said the venom. "I don’t like to take away other people’s things. I am easy to satisfy. I would be very happy if your earth would give me a place to live …"
Just then, Eddie’s family suddenly interrupted a news.
"The city’s famous enterprise life foundation belongs to the emergency center. Four medical staff died suddenly … It is understood that four victims were escorting the seriously injured and comatose foundation to create Drake to the emergency room, but they died halfway …"
Watching the sudden death of four medical staff, Goofy has guessed the truth.
"This is your leader-riot doing good deeds?"
Venom shrugged. "Personally, it looks like he did it."
"So now he has merged with Drake? Maybe they will launch a rocket to Taili to take your kind back to Earth? " Goofy asked again
"It should be …" Venom admitted again.
Goofy looked at the venom and invited, "So good people in symbionts, would you like to join me to stop the riot?"
"Stop the riot?" Poison looked frightened. "Goofy, first of all, you have to understand one thing-riot. Our symbionts are outstanding leaders and the strongest people, and I … Hehe, I’m not afraid that you will despise me and I’m an alien Lser!"
Chapter 553 Alien Lser!
Hearing the venom say this, Goofy’s shoulder suddenly burst into a sharp laugh.
"Ha ha ha ha ha … alien Lser! This title really kills me! ! !”
Venom and Eddie are both one leng and stare at Goofy’s shoulder and ask, "Who? Who, your shoulder? !”
Goofy smiled gently and shook his shoulders to shake Ant Man.
Scott Lang, who wanted to hide his whereabouts, was exposed by his exaggerated smile. He directly expanded his body and returned to normal size and appeared in the room.
"Oh, hello, alien Lser. Hello, Mr. Eddie Brock. I’m a friend of Goofy. I also live in San Francisco. You can call me … er Ant Man."
Ant Man?’ Venom licked the slender tongue "sounds delicious"
Ant Man quickly took a step back and waved his fist at the venom. "Hey, listen, alien parasites, if you want to pay attention to me, I’ll be rude to you. I can make you shrink until you are sub-primitive and then throw you into the field of quantity …"
"Quantity field? What field is that? Is the food abundant? If there is enough food, I’d be happy to go in, "said the venom with a sneer.
Eddie squinted at Ant Man. "Ant Man, is he Dr. Hank Pim?"
"Please, I say voice is so old? Actually, I’m Dr. Hank Pim? " Scott was a little depressed and said, "He is the first generation of Ant Man, I am the second generation of Ant Man, I am his generation, and I am twenty years younger than him!"
Goofy quickly clapped his hands and interrupted the conversation, pointing to the vision and said, "Hey guys, the most important thing for our eyes is to stop this alien symbiont leader from rioting and occupying the earth …"
"Now it seems that he has merged with Mr. Drake. His next plan should be to launch a rocket at the Life Foundation. We have to stop him!"
Venom nodded quickly. "Well, once these rockets go up, it won’t be so easy to stop him. You have to act quickly."
"We? Won’t you come with us? " Ant Man looked at venom and asked.


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