Yang Xiaobei is going crazy!

Look at what this is called! Said it was a midwife! You are a pig killer! When she came in, a baby boy had given birth all over the body, and the woman was sweating and dragging another one there. It was like seeing a savior. "Doctor! Come and help pull this baby out! "
Shit! Yang Beckham is about to swear on the spot. How delicate is the newborn? Are you so deeply dragged? With great power, she drove people out, but she couldn’t shout for help. The mother-in-law kept crying. How could the granddaughter be heartless? It seemed that Zhou Zheng was scared for a long time and didn’t respond. He was waiting outside with a box, but he didn’t dare to enter the delivery room!
There’s no way to roll up your sleeves and dry yourself. The lying-in woman doesn’t know that she’s in bed. She checked first. There’s still breath. It seems that she fainted. There’s not much bleeding. There’s another one in the belly of a dead baby. The twins are out of position. Is this still alive?
Yang Xiaobei is under great pressure. What a rotten stall this is! The more urgent you are, the more you can’t panic. Now it’s urgent to give birth to the fetus as soon as possible regardless of the stillbirth, otherwise the mother will be in danger.
Under normal circumstances, the fetus should be the head and foot when giving birth. If it is not this position or the fetal position is not correct, it can be delivered by caesarean section if it is not adjusted before intervention. However, twins are generally free to play their fetal position because of limited uterine cavity, and it is difficult to say that it is normal, and it is easy to lead to premature delivery due to unbalanced placenta.
If you have a pre-examination, Yang Xiaobei will definitely advise the other party to have a laparotomy. This is the safest way. Even if it is a natural delivery, it is best to have it in a hospital with equipment. Of course, weren’t so many twins born in ancient times? But, you know, fighting for luck is the most unreliable thing. It’s best not to expect everything to go well, or reality will hit you in the face.
Then the question is, what should I do if the fetus has already delivered an arm and the conditions are not suitable for caesarean section (she dare not challenge this difficult task)?
Because of the rough pulling of the former midwife, this little hand has shown unnatural bending. If Yang Xiaobei didn’t make a mistake, it should have been broken. She endured heartache and carefully picked up this little hand. Suddenly, he even held her finger with a slight movement!
Chapter 11 Freshmen
Yang Xiaobei felt that his heart was pulling up, his scalp was numb and his hands were shaking. "Still alive! Still alive! " I’ve never cried for joy like this. I didn’t think of it after I made the worst plan and saw the dead child.
People’s life is so hard, and they are going to fight for it when they are still in the womb, and seize a glimmer of hope. Yang Xiaobei gently holds the child’s small hand and takes back the tears and gently says, "Don’t worry, child! I will make you well! "
The parturient didn’t stop asking her to cooperate and couldn’t find an assistant to help. The midwife used such means that Yang Xiaobei didn’t want to communicate with her, but there was no way to ask about the situation.
"When will it be sent?" That old woman is whispering in the corner that the twins are sideways, and she doesn’t get the baby out quickly. When she comes, the adults are not good, and she scolds me. I want to see what you can do as a brat. I heard Yang Xiaobei rush to say, "It’s time for breakfast! When my wife came, I thought it was twins! "
Fortunately, the labor process is not too long, but this one is still good. It’s just that the fetal position is not correct. Yang Xiaobei decided to wash his hands again, disinfect and wear gloves, and gently and resolutely pushed this arm back along the child’s shoulder!
The midwife’s eyes are about to fall out. Is there such a fuck? Since ancient times, the baby has been born quickly. How can it be out and stuffed in?
The process is very difficult. The child realizes that although she is unconscious, her contractions are still rising every time. Her efforts will be in vain again and again, and a little effort has finally succeeded in sending the child back to her mother.
"Children don’t be afraid! We didn’t have the right posture just now. Wait for me to adjust and start over! " I don’t know if he can hear, but Yang Xiaobei believes that a child with such a survival will be born safely.
I took a breath and wiped the sweat off my forehead, which was the most difficult part-adjusting fetal position in vitro.
Climb to the bed and touch it again. Yes, the child is lying on the right side, with his head on his right foot and his whole body across his abdomen. She pushes the fetus from the abdomen with the force of contractions, and asks the fetus to return to the appropriate delivery position according to her own strength.
It hurts! Pain! The daughter-in-law of Red Star, who just fainted because she learned that she had given birth to a dead baby, was awakened by a sharp pain, as if a stone mill were crushing her belly. "Ah!" She couldn’t help screaming.
It’s good to wake up. Xiao Bei Yang panted and asked, "What’s the matter? Is there anything uncomfortable except a stomachache? "
Red Star’s daughter-in-law can’t wait to kill her when she hears it. Besides her stomachache, you hurt me. Let me see! I don’t know how much it hurts than when I was giving birth! Just about to reply, another pain struck. She gritted her teeth and insisted before she remembered and asked, "What’s the matter?" Didn’t she give birth already? The midwife said it was a stillbirth, and she fainted. It woke up in pain. Why does it seem that she is still alive?
"You’re pregnant with twins, and there’s still one alive in your stomach." Yang Xiaobei saw that she didn’t know she was still having a baby, and explained to her, "I’m a doctor. Now I have to find a way to adjust him. It hurts a little. You have to bear it."
Just waking up, I was a little confused by so much information, but she heard a few words clearly: "twins have a job!" " What? There’s another one in the belly?
In the past, she was heartbroken, and her fighting spirit was strong again. In this case, no matter how big the situation is, how can the pain be comparable to the worry and expectation of the unborn child? Without considering anything else, she quickly asked, "So, what should the doctor do?"
Of course, it is much better for the lying-in woman to cooperate with herself after waking up. Yang Xiaobei also thought that if she didn’t wake up, she should stimulate her to wake up and see her in a hurry and said, "I’ll ask you to take charge and come in and help you do as I say."
Red star daughter-in-law a listen to quickly shout loudly that midwife also ran out to find soon keep outside Li Hongxing stumbled in "what’s the matter? What’s wrong? "
Since I heard that my son was gone, I was sad and sad for a long time. Needless to say, I had to appease the old lady who cried her eyes out. I was worried that my daughter-in-law in the room couldn’t wait to break her heart into several pieces. It was not good to hear that she was looking for him in the back room, so she left me and ran in regardless.
It happened that the old woman followed and came in, still howling in her mouth, "son! It’s unlucky here. You can’t come in! My grandson is gone. You are the only child … "
What are these things! Yang Xiaobei shouted angrily from the moment he set foot in this house. He has been staying outside for a long time. "Drag her out for me! Do you want to kill your grandson by messing around? "
Hey? Sun? There is another one? The old woman was dumbfounded to see that the people inside were already busy. The strange guy outside was really going to come in and pull her out. "You are busy, you are busy …"
Nobody paid attention to her. Zhou Zheng stayed at the gate after she came out. She stood on tiptoe and wanted to see it, but she didn’t give it in.
In the back room, Yang Xiaobei directed Li Hongxing to lift his daughter-in-law up and put her head on the bed in a difficult posture. It had consumed too much physical strength and spirit before giving birth. At this time, it was really difficult for the parturient to keep this posture. She gasped and sweated, but she gritted her teeth and insisted.
Yang Xiaobei is not easy either. She has to push skillfully. It can’t be too heavy. It hurts the mother too lightly and has no effect. Besides, this posture is not flat so that she can feel that the two of them seem to be challenging the highest difficulty of double yoga.
Yang Xiaobei screamed with pain even though she was psychologically prepared. It was so painful! In the past, the severe pain of uterine contraction was already severe without external force, and now she has to force her in such a sensitive place that her eyes turn white and she can’t support her body.
Li Hongxing was so scared by this posture that his legs were soft. Fortunately, he knelt on the bed when he came. At this time, he held his daughter-in-law tightly and panicked.
People inside are struggling to survive, and people outside are not much better. Grandma Li is anxious like a cat on hot bricks outside, not to mention that Zhou Zheng is not calm. It is not the first time that he has followed out to help. Although he is always a driver, he has seen more. Now he is listening to the hysterical screams inside and Beckham’s high-pitched shout "Hold on one more! The horse will be fine! " He also felt that his legs were a little weak.
No wonder Beckham often says that having a baby is going through the ghost gate. He has never seen it with his own eyes. Every time Beckham goes out, it is almost smooth except for the length of time. Even if someone gets the final certificate in a few times, it is a false alarm.
But today, I heard that a child has lost Beckham, and they are still struggling in another place. The situation is definitely not good. Every time Beckham treats patients, he whispers. Why are you so angry like today? If he couldn’t help, he suddenly realized how brave it was for Beckham to agree to marry himself!
Chapter 12 Nai
Yang Xiaobei has always been hesitant to retreat. This week knows that he also knows that Beckham doesn’t dislike himself, but what? Shouldn’t two of a kind be together? He has been silently waiting for everything that comes to him who waits, and finally he got the nod.
If you hadn’t come to this emergency department, you should have been discussing the wedding process by now, right? But now, one of them is struggling to treat inside, and the other is waiting anxiously outside, and nothing can be discussed.
But it’s nothing. Anyway, Beckham has promised not to discuss it today, and it will be the same in a few days, but it is this trip that makes Zhou Zheng realize what marriage means to women.
Especially Beckham, she will once again leave her family and go to a distant place. A strange family will be pregnant and break into ghosts like every woman. In front of him, this mother-in-law has never cared about her daughter-in-law, and she just cares about "grandchildren" and says that she is really struggling. Women feel unworthy, but what if it is Beckham?
Geometric shook his head, he won’t let Beckham be wronged, he will protect her and give her the best of everything … I shouldn’t be as disgusting as this old woman …?
Zhou is thinking outside, but there has been a new change in the battlefield. Come on, do it again! " Yang Xiaobei felt that the fetal position had reached the predetermined position according to her efforts, and she couldn’t help but cheer up and encourage the parturient again.
Red Star’s daughter-in-law feels that she has lost her strength. If she hadn’t been thinking about the baby in her stomach, she would have died if she hadn’t heard that he was still alive. Forget it. I heard that she was cut to pieces before. Now she knows what it’s like. It’s really not hot in the room, but everyone is sweaty and heavy, and it’s like fishing out of the water. Even the midwife can’t look over to help.
Finally, when Yang Xiaobei confirmed that she could give birth normally, it had been delayed for a long time and could not be delayed any longer. She told Li Hongxing to bring her daughter-in-law over and put her in a normal position. The mother had run out of strength, but the child finally found the right path and could not wait to come to this world after one round.
Very good! You’re great, kid! Yang Xiaobei grabbed the child with the load and dealt with it. Her face turned blue. She wiped the amniotic fluid and dirt from her nose and mouth, but she still couldn’t see him crying. If her hands clenched her chest slightly, he would have been bad.
Pick up the newborn’s feet with one hand and pick him up backwards "pa! Hey! " Two loud slaps were given to the child, who refused to "wow" and started crying.
This is simply the sound of nature! Nervously watching his parents all breathed a sigh of relief, and finally their hearts were released from the middle school. Although the doctor kept telling them that the child was fine, no one wouldn’t despair after giving birth to a stillbirth, and there was no sound after the child came out. Although the crying sound of the child was weak, there was no doubt that he was still alive.
Then came the aftermath, the umbilical cord and placenta, and the examination of the bleeding child, which was handed over to the midwife to wash and wrap it up and put it beside the mother. The mother-in-law heard the child crying, but no one came out to report the good news. Is it a grandson or a granddaughter? !
Fortunately, this tenacious child is a boy. He should be a younger brother, but now he is alone in this world. What is luck? Yang Xiaobei hated son preference most in his life, but sadly, the most serious son preference is often women.


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