Long Ming didn’t answer, but his face expression has answered for him.

The two men flashed their id at the same time.
"Tian Zhanji-Su Muqiu!"
"The age of heaven and war-the wind is dusty!"
The beautifully dressed woman was already trembling with fear, but Long Ming was still very heavy. "It turned out that the boss of Tianji personally came to the door."
Su Muqiu nodded and put it in the goblet. "This batch of goods is so important that I have to personally visit the head of the Golden Bow family. Do you think I’m right?"
"You are not right!" The door was pushed again, and the mad dog dragon finally appeared.
Su Muqiu laughed. "Brother Gua is coming, too?"
Mad dog dragon smiled. "If I had reacted a little slower, I would not only have been dumped by you, but also be kept in the dark."
Su Muqiu laughed. "Brother Gua, I’m not white!"
"You should be white!" Mad dog dragon smiled and walked forward. "Now I know that the real rape is you!"
Su Muqiu laughed. "I stole my own things?"
Mad dog dragon said, "this is not your own thing, but the property shared by your three guilds. You just want to keep it for yourself!" "
As he spoke, he turned to Long Ming. "We have dealt with each other before."
Long Ming was alert. "What do you want?"
Mad dog dragon said, "The Golden Bow family is willing to make this effort. I believe it’s not for nothing. Is your employer President Su?"
Long Ming shook his head and said, "No!"
"No?" Mad dog dragon stared at him suspiciously.
Long Ming said, "I don’t even know who the employer is?"
Mad dog dragon also shocked.
Long Ming said, "But the person who entrusted me to do this is someone I can trust."
Mad dog dragon smiled again. "Boss Su, you didn’t play very well."
Su Muqiu laughed. "Brother Gua, I think you have misunderstood me?"
Mad dog dragon put away his smile and looked at the wind. "Do you know that you made a mistake?"
The wind and dust are actually very heavy. "Go ahead!"
Mad dog Long Dao "It was not high for you to make up lies when you were still in the mountains. You told us that people were called flying across the sea."
The wind and dust frowned. "Isn’t it?"
Mad dog dragon sneered, "I knew him because he didn’t fly across the sea. He fought with me before he was called the black wolf. What do you mean, the root of the cattle island is not in your heart? Why do you lie?"
The wind and dust stopped talking.
Mad dog dragon added, "It’s no problem for you to show up here together. I won’t doubt that you are the traitors, but there’s one person missing here."
There was another thick and heavy voice outside the door. "No one answered this question, but you don’t have to ask it."
Looking back, they really caught up with two men in black.
Mad dog dragon couldn’t help saying, "What?"
The mouth is the one who fought against the mad dog dragon. When he saw him, he said slowly, "This is the way of the world. If you know too much, you must try to send him back to the city."
The mad dog Long Bai came over, and he must have died in a scuffle or when transferring the van.
Su Muqiu stared at the man in black and couldn’t help laughing. "There are no outsiders here now. It seems that President Cheng doesn’t need to wear a towel, right?"
The black dress person really took off the towel and flashed the id "Fire is a city-Cheng Qingyi!"
It’s no wonder that this man turned out to be the chairman of the conference, and it feels good to play mad dog Long Ji.
Su Muqiu laughed again. "President Cheng has arrived, so even the president should have arrived?"
Another man in black also picked a towel to light up his identity "degree-even a small sword"
This is the meeting. One or three principals are all here.
Cheng Tsing Yi said coldly, "If this little melon brother hadn’t touched this beef offal island, we never expected that you were the murderer behind it."
Su Muqiu is still laughing. "Then please give me the evidence?"
Even Xiaojian sneered, "If it weren’t for the Golden Eagle’s evening banquet, you wouldn’t have exposed the trail so quickly."
Su Muqiu also sneered, "Really?"
Cheng Qingyi said, "Boss Xi rarely recommends people this time, and if you push it, two people will come over. You should think that if anyone can find the van, it must be the melon brothers."
He spoke quickly, methodically and logically, and even Su Muqiu didn’t refute him.
Cheng Qingyi continued, "It’s your right-hand man who sent him with you, not to help the melon brothers, but to be afraid that he would find out your clues. It’s a pity that the melon brothers tracked down faster than you thought, and they touched the beef offal island in just one or two days."
Su Muqiu’s face also changed. "Have you two been following me?"
Even Xiaojian sneered, "Because you haven’t been at ease, you are quietly following the four of them. How can you be aware of the four of them? If you have no problem, you must follow them again? "
Cheng Tsing Yi looked at the wind and caught the dust. "I know that you came to pick up a big order in Obsidian and was suddenly recalled by Su Muqiu. It is said that it is very abnormal to help the melon brothers track down and know a little about your world war discipline."


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