"SHI" this sentence is not a pig’s head dish openly swearing in the live broadcast, but come to watch this scene on the sidelines and blame EH for bad luck.

However, in this game, the goddess of luck didn’t favor one side, EH was less controlled by the rune, and there were still a lot of early acceleration runes, and there was also a double rune, three acceleration runes and a double rune. In the early stage of the pig’s head dish, the arc guardian directly harvested five heads, then made a drum toughness and prepared to make a necromancer by the way.
The game entered the stage of team battle in DK’s strong sniper and EH wanted to quickly lay an advantage.
At this time, everyone did not expect that the protagonist of this game decided from the beginning that it was not DK but EH.
It’s the pig’s head dish, the guardian of the arc that looks ugly but is terrible now.
Just after playing two group battles, EH had just established a little advantage, but when Zhu Tou Cai Tuoda and QA were caught cleaning up the meat mountain together.
The game ushered in a climax.
UG and the arc guardian quickly cleaned up the meat mountain in the distortion of the arc guardian. When the DCG wrist shook, the phoenix flew around. In the middle, it was pulled to DK by CK miraculously, but there was no response. CK dizziness was offset by DCG’s rapid response, and then the phoenix changed eggs, which led to the prelude of the meat mountain battle, DK and EH.
The two sides quickly P, especially EH teammates, quickly went home nearby and bought the jumping knife. The cow ES was here, and the meal was fast, but it was the last hero to reach the battlefield.
And flint, the phoenix that suffered the most damage, once again broke its eggs all over the floor.
Shadow demon d lives in an arc guardian, and the other arc guardian is tough.
CK surrounded the bounty half-blood legion and dueled the ghost. It seems that the shadow demon behind him has been spitting and cursed by the ghost. The EH group battle is at stake.
ES jumped big!
Jump big in the back hand! ! !
When all the preparations are finished, let the rice be adjusted, but the rice can’t be adjusted.
But not the protagonist!
The protagonist is the arc dog who can’t spit!
NEC down! ?
How did NEC suddenly fall to the ground with half blood?
Come to see really when flint UG was dueled, the arc guardian was not actually controlled, and it has been releasing flash ghosts and distorting the group battle and making contributions.
And then, in the middle of the group battle, about four seconds later, the god jumped for a big moment, and another residual blood arc guardian was out of control, and had been ambushing ghosts to kill NEC before being instantly matched by fire.
It’s a red staff! It’s the big root. It’s the red and thick one that makes your opponent gasp repeatedly and you want to die … Big root!
And it is two!
Stab ~! This sound is very short, but soon Lin Feng saw that another DK player was corps commander!
Fighting UG in the Half Blood Period is an uneasy state for corps commander, and at this time it directly becomes the second red staff to destroy the object, which is the second arc guardian.
But it’s not over yet
"O oh oh oh ~! ~~~~~~~~~! It’s a necromancer. It’s two necromancers! ~ pig’s head dish, he did it. "
At this time, the audience of the game has already got up and watched the team battle. The 30-minute team battle appeared in front of them, but the scene that has been waiting for 50 minutes may not necessarily appear.
Big scene!
Two dead souls!
Directly transferred the original amount of CK blue, while the other blue was given to the shadow devil
DK is stupid
Or broken eggs?
This is more appropriate ~ watching the guardian of the residual blood arc slowly retreat from the battlefield, at the same time, the cheers and cheers of the tsunami around Lin Feng have turned into an exciting and joyful picture in LGM Stadium.
(PS is the voice-over … By the way, please collect onions … Ok, cover your face and ask.
The concept of pulling ancient wild animals is no stranger. I believe that when you pull ancient wild animals, the first thing you think of is to dominate the dragon riding to pull a lot of ancient wild animals and then clear them. Today, we are going to talk about a method of clearing ancient wild animals in the forest. Anyone can pull a lot of ancient wild animals, but whether it can be cleared is another matter. Not all heroes have the ability to clear a lot of ancient wild animals. We should pay attention to two points.
Hero choice
2 equipment selection
Now that this game is in K, well, it’s among BAN people …
Then let’s talk about k first
First of all, refining yourself will not dominate all two choices.
1 let teammates out
2 Let a soy sauce hero pull the ancient wilderness. In the second case, if you can’t see it at the root of the passers-by, don’t say anything.
K To clear the ancient wilderness, you need a [reply charm]. If you are kind, it is best to have a reply charm to help you clear the ancient wilderness. In general, it takes about 1 blue amount to clear the ancient wilderness.
The key is to learn this skill to level 4.
25 minutes, this equipment k is not difficult.
Another option is to give the soul ring and replace the two pendants with the soul ring, but the landlord doesn’t want to give the soul ring
Of course, you can also choose other equipment routes to ensure that the blue amount is about 1.
In some cases, you don’t have to make big pieces first, and then use this pile of ancient wild money to make flying shoes
Be careful not to get too close, or it will lead to the ancient wild.
Moon knight
The skill of choosing the moon blade is that the moon riding can clear away ancient wild resources, and the big choice of inheriting the moon blade in two places must be the axe in two places.
The trees eaten by the moon riding Qingyuan Guye must be eaten deeper to minimize the damage. If you don’t eat the natural disasters in the field of vision, you can guard the onions. Personal experience is that you can eat two in the right corner behind the ancient wild.)
Equipment selection Mad Tomahawk Sputtering Effect Trolls can fight ancient wilderness much more easily. Cannons can also be used if there is more money.
Knife-mending axe is effective for ancient wild, but domination will override the effect of knife-mending axe, so all domination does not need to mend knife-mending axe.
Speaking of equipment, you can’t pull the helmet dominated by ancient wilderness without shoes. It’s best to choose a prosthetic leg. Because the prosthetic leg can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of the water man, the first big piece of the water man is to fight ancient wilderness. It is impossible to choose BKB Lincoln. There are three pieces of equipment that have no substantial increase in combat effectiveness. After many experiments, I have chosen these three pieces of equipment to destroy the ancient wilderness, but I have to choose according to the situation.
Compared with the first two equipment, the ice eye of the double-edged axe in the headwind bureau is much more expensive. Unless you have more money, you won’t choose the ice eye
Need to meet the conditions
It is ideal to dominate the prosthetic leg as soon as possible. If it is delayed for 15 minutes, it will be a bit slow.
It is ideal to pull 9 waves of ancient wilderness in about 225 minutes.


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