"Casual" night evil repair is not willing to take a look at Qin Luoyi and answer coldly.

Later, the expression of Qin Luoyi was a little stiff, and the snow smiled and broke this embarrassment. The left hand took the night evil and the right hand took Qin Luoyi and trotted into the amusement park.
"Which one should I play first?" Heng Xue smiled in front of the huge pirate ship, with his hands covering the sun and swaying, and the pirate ship came to scream from time to time.
153 acts pirate ship
Thanks to zsj19961 for sending the gold medal ajia199511953663 for counting the stars, dog andy441jj, Xia Yanxi Rain Cute lj1999 Fading Lavender 1 Chu Chu 18716579 Gift. Does anyone want to send a small gold medal? Send it if you have something to say. Hey, hey.
"Which one do you want to play with?" Heng Xue smiled at Qin Luoyi.
"Which one does the count want to play?" Qin took off his clothes and looked at the night evil. Who knows that the night evil is coldly putting aside his eyes?
The atmosphere was awkward for a moment, and the night evil repair didn’t answer Qin Luoyi. He reluctantly smiled and pointed to the pirate ship in front of him. "Let’s play this first."
Heng Xuexiao boldly chose the last row position, which is the most horrible position.
The machine began to swing slowly, from fast to slow
Night evil xiu sat on the right side of Heng Xuexiao. Before the start, he whispered in Heng Xuexiao’s ear, "Hold on to me if you are afraid."
Before the fact began, I was afraid that laughing at the snow would frighten me into interlocking my fingers tightly.
Heng Xuexiao smiled confidently at Yexie Xiu and looked at it again. Qin undressed and asked, "Will clothes be afraid?"
"Uh-huh, I don’t think so." Qin Luoyi’s tone is uncertain and his expression is uncertain.
Heng Xuexiao is a little worried, but the machine has entered’ high! After the swing, the arc is getting bigger and bigger. Every time you swing high, there will be a group of people who are afraid to scream, but there will always be someone who is different from others, that is, a smile.
"Ah-"is the sound that she shouted out, but not afraid, but excited and enjoyed.
Night evil repairs spoil a smile. It turns out that his worry is unnecessary.
After a few minutes, the pirate ship finally stopped.
"Ha, ha, ha, have fun and I want to play." Heng Xuexiao clapped excitedly and jumped about in her seat.
If the people in the front row are glared at each other, this girl looks so delicate, so cute and incredibly courageous. This girl is really not human!
Feel all kinds of’ bad’ eyes around me, smile awkwardly, bow your head and vomit vomit powder tongue embarrassedly.
Turning to the left, Qin Luoyi asked, "Yi Yi, let’s play again, or …"
Before the last word "to" could be said, I laughed and saw Qin falling off his clothes and throwing up at the pirate ship’s hand holding a big tree.
"Ah garment garment what’s the matter with you? !” Heng Xue smiled and hurried to pat her on the back carefully and asked, "Are you all right?"
Qin undressed and shook his head with a pale face, and then continued to vomit.
"I’m sorry, I didn’t know you didn’t dare to play this …" Heng Xue smiled guiltily and bowed his head and smoked his shoulders regularly.
"Heng son don’t blame yourself, I didn’t expect myself to bear so little." Qin undressed and smiled palely, and smiled even more guilty.
"Oh, it’s my fault that I didn’t consider you when I was playing with myself. You shot me to death." Heng Xue smiled and begged Qin to take off his clothes and punish me.
"I really don’t blame you, my dear son. If you want to make amends, go and buy me a bottle of water." Qin Luoyi is gentle like a big sister, making it hard to think that the cold Qin Luoyi in front of her is the same person.
"K, wait for me."
Heng Xue smiled "whew" and slipped away. Qin Luoyi shook his head and stroked his chest.
Night evil repair also don’t know when in front of the qin dynasty clothes look straight at her …
Act 154 is going to fight?
Qin Luoyi is not shy and will look at night evil repair generously.
It took a long time for Qin to undress before he slowly opened his mouth and looked away. "Actually, your Excellency, you don’t have to guard against me all the time. I didn’t want to hurt my son."
"I don’t think you’re going to let go of me." Night evil looked at Qin Luoyi with sarcasm.
Qin Luoyi lowered his head, and his teeth clenched his lips. Long and straight, he had already caught a trace in the tree.
"Even so, do you insult me again and again? I love you so cheap? "
"You can’t afford it." Night evil repair succinctly gave Qin Luoyi four words. For him, Qin Luoyi couldn’t afford it. He didn’t dislike her because of night evil repair, but in many ways, Qin Luoyi was definitely not his favorite type. Besides, he was determined to smile in his life.
If Qin Luoyi doesn’t give up early, will it hurt her or herself in the end?
Heng Xuexiao bought two bottles of mineral water at the grocery store for Qin Luoyi and Yexie Xiu, and also bought himself a cone to lick while walking.
Suddenly two men stopped Heng Xuexiao’s way.
Heng Xue smiled and looked up at the sight of two men, but at first glance, they knew that it was not a good thing, but a gangster with less playboy.
Heng Xuexiao didn’t see that flirting in their eyes meant simply blocking the road and walked to the right. They continued to block the right.
After four or five times of laughing, I finally got impatient. "Would you please get out of my way?"
"Girl girl you a person to play? It looks lonely. Why don’t we two brothers accompany you? " A boy with green hair said
"No" Heng Xuexiao directly told himself that the two in front of him were not good people.
"Don’t be shy." This time, another person with white hair directly pulls Heng Xue’s wrist and smiles.
"Bad guy, you let me go." Heng Xuexiao struggled and accidentally dumped her ice cream and splashed it on the green-haired boys’ pants.
"Mom smelly bitch incredibly dirty my pants? ! Brother wants you to pay for your body! " The green-haired boy just wanted to laugh at Heng Xue, and the hero who saved the United States according to the story of dog blood appeared!
"Who allowed you to touch my woman? !” Night evil repair with strong shock sound to the three people’s ears.
Heng Xue laughed and cried out in surprise at the familiar sound, "Night Evil Repair! ! !”
"My dear son, come to my side and I’ll protect you." Night Evil Xiu smiled gently at Heng Xue and stretched out his hand and waved to her.
Heng Xuexiao ignored the daze. The two men slipped to the side of Yexie Xiu and held his arm. They said angrily, "These two bad guys bully me and beat them up quickly!"
Under normal circumstances, the heroine should not be kind enough to say "Don’t worry about them, I’m fine, let’s go", but this kind of smile is completely different, which shows that this girl is not normal!
Night evil repair spoils to pinch the snow and smile at the bridge of the nose. "Well, I’ll definitely take it out for you."
"I knew you were the best." Heng Xue smiled happily and padded her toes and kissed her cheek at night.
Act 155 riding a roller coaster alone
"Baby, step aside or I’m afraid I’ll hurt you later."


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