"You mean we’re going to rob them?" Lingyun said, "It’s time to kill after so long."

At the beginning, I got back more than 60 million and two thousand silver from their villa in Bai Sheng, and then I got back 10 million and two thousand silver. Lingyun also knew that it was longitudinal Ma Xiao, westerly wind and four leaders and five leaders from Shiyi officers and soldiers.
Shiyi officers and men also know that they took the opportunity to plunder thieves and wealth Lingyun by destroying thieves.
Before, they wanted to follow the officers and men in Shiyi, and the mantis caught cicadas and yellowbird followed.
However, at that time, I felt that the officers and men of Shiyi had not much oil and water after they had just lost 12 million silver, and everyone passed.
Now, if it weren’t for Bai Sheng, Lingyun really forgot about this.
Qian Lingyun, an officer who robbed Shiyi, has nothing to feel guilty about. They were also robbed by mountain thieves, who robbed them from past businessmen.
Qian Lingyun, an officer who robbed Shiyi, felt at ease and never relented.
I just don’t know how much money the officers and men of Shiyi robbed in the past six months.
Lingyun is holding great hopes for them.
Since there is this way to make money, Lingyunma asked Bai Sheng to observe near Shiyi.
Now they don’t know where the Shiyi officers and soldiers will put the stolen money, so they can monitor the movements of Shiyi officers and soldiers first.
It was three days before Bai Sheng discovered the new treasure hiding place of Shiyi officers and soldiers.
When he came back, he told Lingyun where the Shiyi officers and soldiers hid the treasure, and Lingyun asked him and GongSunYing to take one thousand people to rob Shiyi officers and soldiers of their money.
Shiyi county commandant was once robbed of 12 million silver, but he was angry for more than a month, and those soldiers who pretended to be woodcutters were destroyed by him.
Just Shiyi county commandant or those soldiers inside job.
Although several soldiers posing as woodcutters were killed, after all, several were not killed.
However, after interrogation, he knew that the guards did not do it, but he could not ask who did it.
Angry guards were naturally killed by him.
Even if you kill Shiyi county commandant, your anger is hard to calm down.
I don’t know who did it after a long investigation.
The newly selected treasure sites are more secretive than before, and there are more keepers.
Shiyi county commandant obviously can’t control Shiyi in one hand, otherwise it would be safer to hide money in Shiyi city.
But he didn’t. Although he was stolen once, he chose a new place outside the city.
Obviously, I dare not put money in the city for fear of being discovered by the county magistrate or others.
There’s really nothing he can do if he puts his money in Shiyi City, Bai Sheng.
After all, there are also tens of thousands of foot soldiers in Shiyi city, although it is better than not to train 60 thousand soldiers before.
But after all, people are at home, and Bai Sheng has hidden his identity and can never lead troops to attack Shiyi.
If Shiyi county commandant put the property stolen from mountain thieves in Lingyun, he would be disappointed.
It’s impossible. The money really took an army to attack Shiyi.
If you want to attack less, you have to wait until the hegemony of the group.
Shiyi County Commandant’s treasure hiding place is no longer a cave or a mountain.
But hidden in a small mountain village near Shiyi
There are hundreds of people in the mountain village, which is a trusted village of Shiyi county commandant.
During this period, all the belongings they robbed were placed in the confidant’s home.
This confidant’s family is gone, and this confidant only comes back once in a while.
Although this confidant has come back more often during this period, the villagers in the mountain village don’t feel anything strange.
After Shiyi county commandant robbed the property, he let the cronies quietly get into the village and hide in his home after dark.
Therefore, the villagers in the mountain village have not found that there are tens of millions of treasures hidden in this somewhat dilapidated home.
Although the hidden treasure place has been moved, Shiyi county commandant is obviously still not at ease.
The first 10 million taels of silver were gone, but now a new place doesn’t mean Ann.
Up to now, he doesn’t know who took his money. Who knows if those who took his money will come again?
Shiyi county commandant didn’t know whether those who took his money found the cave by accident or deliberately followed them.
Therefore, although the money is now put in this small mountain village, the county commandant of Shiyi is still not at ease, except for that dilapidated house where people are outside every day.
Outside the small mountain village, he also prepared an army of 1,000 men to hide in the mountains outside the mountain village and monitor the situation in the mountain village at all times.
Although there were no problems for several months, Shiyi county commandant did not relax.
Soldiers hiding outside the mountain village monitor everything in the mountain village every day.
It was late when Bai Sheng followed Shiyi officers and soldiers to the mountain village. He was not found, but he did not find a thousand soldiers hiding in the mountains.
Bai Sheng and GongSunYing took advantage of the night to come straight to the small mountain village with one thousand soldiers.
And they happened to be in the small mountain village opposite the 1,000 soldiers in Shiyi, separated from each other to be continued.
Chapter 361 Small mountain village
Bai Sheng has never been to this small mountain village before, and he didn’t observe much when he came here with Shiyi officers and soldiers a few days ago, which was dark.
It can be roughly judged that there are more than one hundred houses in this small mountain village.
What does Bai Sheng not know about the officers and men in the small mountain village and Shiyi?


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