Xiaoxue has really got used to the fact that the quality of teachers in Yingcai Primary School is obviously higher than that in Anyang Primary School.

Both teachers and school staff take care of students’ emotions very much.
Many times, even if Lingyun Fengwu didn’t ask the school about Yu Xiaoxue, the teacher in the school would take the initiative to call them and say something about Xiaoxue in the school.
Xiaoxue knows most things about Lingyun and Fengwu in school. Now ask Xiaoxue to listen to Xiaoxue’s own feelings.
After dinner, Lingyun and Fengwu watched it with Xiaoxue for a while and then entered the game again.
Xiaoxue school has a holiday, but there is no need to rush into the game.
In the new year, the county government also has a holiday today. Lingyun doesn’t need to go to the county government.
After studying for a while at dawn, Lingyun took GongSunYing to Zhang Laohan’s house.
Zhang Laohan’s family, two old couples, got up early in the morning to put things away and were waiting for Lingyun in the courtyard.
Last year, Zhang Laohan’s family still had a lot of things, but now they have almost been sold, which is no different from the family’s four walls.
Just some shabby clothes and some memorable things.
The original Zhang Laohan still wants to take his own bed away after I don’t know how many times it has been mended. Listen to Lingyun and say that everything is already there.
Although the quilt is worn out, Zhang Laohan’s heart is still unwilling to throw it away verbally. Although he agrees that Lingyun will not take this bed quilt away, Zhang Laohan thinks that he will quietly come back and take the quilt in a few days.
Lingyun naturally doesn’t know Zhang Laohan’s thoughts. If you know Zhang Laohan’s reluctance, you will simply move over together.
Back in Lingyun, I introduced Zhang Laohan and his wife to Li Popo and others.
However, I feel that I am coming to work for Lingyun. In the face of Li Popo and others, Zhang Laohan and his wife seem a little restrained.
The six houses in the courtyard have been occupied, and the outer houses have also been filled. There are three wing houses that have not been occupied yet.
Lingyun wanted to take Zhang Laohan and his wife to the corner room of the outer court, but Li Popo took them first.
But Lingyun, who followed him, saw Li Popo take Zhang Laohan to the former little girl Lily Room.
It turns out that after Lingyun and Li Popo said, Li Popo already knew that the outer courtyard houses were already occupied by people. When Zhang Laohan and his wife came, they could live in a small house with a small angle.
Therefore, Lily was moved to Li Ma’s house early in the morning, and they lived together to make room for Zhang Laohan and his wife.
After all, the corner house is not only poorly lit, but also small, and no one has slept since it was built.
After arranging Zhang Laohan and his wife, Lingyun went out again with GongSunYing.
The wind dance is to pick up the light snow. The school has been on holiday. Lingyun naturally won’t let the light snow stay alone in the letter. It is natural to receive the truth.
Although there is a farewell party, there are still hundreds of miles to Changshan County. I don’t know if Xiaoxue can find it alone.
Besides, this road is not peaceful. A ten-year-old girl is alone, and those mountain thieves and robbers will not be soft.
Longitudinal Ma Xiaoxiao followed the wind and danced to Lingyun. Now I can’t see what the longitudinal Ma Xiaoxiao really means.
Now Fengwu is his wife, while Zongma Xiaoxiao stays here.
When I was in the state shepherd’s house, I could say that I followed the Emperor Pusong in my future, but now the Emperor Pusong has gone home. It is reasonable to say that this longitudinal Ma Xiao Xifeng should also leave, but I followed Lingyun all the way to the truth.
Lingyun is really don’t know how longitudinal Ma Xiao west wind think.
Lingyun feels that he can’t really do it if he drives the longitudinal Ma Xiao and the west wind away.
After all, he took his god-level swordsmanship, but Ma Xiaoxiao didn’t do anything out of line now. He followed them quietly, and Lingyun would ignore him a lot of times.
to be continued
Chapter 294 He is a good man
Arrange Zhang Laohan and his wife Lingyun to take GongSunYing to the Liu family.
The Liu family is obviously much richer than Zhang Laohan’s family and has a large population, so Lingyun does not need to worry about it.
Lingyun is curious about what Liu’s father did that day to stop Liu from letting Liu finish his sentence. What was the last half sentence?
Lingyun is also asking people to inquire about the Liu family these days, but they get some ordinary news.
The Liu family has a history of 100 years in Zhending County. At the beginning, it was the first family in Zhending County, but it has been declining more and more for a hundred years, and now it is just a little better than ordinary people’s homes.
If it weren’t for that day that Liu’s father interrupted Liu Hua, Lingyun wouldn’t be interested in this Liu Jiagen.
There are hundreds of families that are similar to the Liu family in this small town.
There are dozens that are bigger and richer than Liu Jiaqiang.
In Zhending County, the Liu family, that is, the level is not flat, and it is very inconspicuous.
When Lingyun came to the Liu family, the Liu family was also celebrating the New Year.
Liu An, who was killed by a cow, has already been buried, and the New Year’s celebration has also diluted the sadness of the Liu family.
Liu An’s husband and wife Liu Yi, after all, still have two children in their knees. Although they are very sad about Liu An’s death, they are less likely to accept this result than Zhang Laohan’s family
The saddest thing in the Liu family is not Liu An’s father or Liu An’s two younger brothers, but Liu An’s wife and son.
Liu Yi has three dead children, one of whom has been entrusted with two others, and his wife and husband have a son and a father and a mother in Liu An who has been dead for many years.
"Lord Xian Cheng came to my Liu family. What do you want?" See lingyun Liu yi asked
The family didn’t welcome Lingyun very much. Everyone except Liu Yi looked at Lingyun coldly and said nothing.
When Lingyun sentenced Liu Jialai, he was dissatisfied. Later, he saw that Zhang Laohan was beaten badly, and his heart was relieved by more than half.
But later, they learned that Lingyun found someone to treat Zhang Laohan after they left. Zhang Laohan walked out of the county government by himself, and there was no serious injury at all.
I was a little dissatisfied with Lingyun’s judgment, and then I learned that Lingyun had treated Zhang Laohan. In the eyes of the Liu family, Liu An’s life was in exchange for a cow’s anger, which soared as soon as it was supported.
If Liu Yi hadn’t stopped Liu Ping Liu, the two brothers would have gone to the county government.
If Zhang Laohan was carried back and saved by other doctors, forget it. But now Lingyun has cured Zhang Laohan just after their front foot left. Is this playing with their Liu family?
It’s strange that the Liu family didn’t complain if they were beaten with twenty sticks.
Isn’t this red fruit hitting his Liu’s face? What does he say about Liu’s family? It’s really important here.
Of course, this is the Liu family itself. In the eyes of most people, the Liu family is just like that
Liu An was killed by a cow, but it didn’t really cause much trouble. Many people know it, but at most it was a joke after dinner.


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